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Nicholas' POV

If you ask me, I was glad that we were done with the whole Harvard drama. It tool most of my mental and physical strength. Kimberly still thought that somethings weren't adding up but after some series of therapy, she didn't talk about it again. I was glad that she didn't. She was finally moving on from the nightmare. The doorbell rang and Hailey ran for the door, thinking it was Kim, poor thing. I opened the door and found Barry there

Me: finally, you're here
Barry: sorry I took so long. I had to ditch Kim and my brother on my way here. They were in some sort of argument and I think she is mad that you would gang out with me and not her
Me: did you tell her that you were heading here?
Barry: yes, of course. Was I supposed to lie about that? I had to tell her the truth. She literally made me promise that I was never going to lie to her again
Me: whatever. I'd grab my keys and Hailey's car seat. I'm on baby sitting duty today. My mom is not home
Barry: are you sure that it's a good idea to carry a baby along?
Me: it is just a mall and she is what? Three? She can take care of herself
Barry: no, she can't. Whatever, just don't forget her in the mall

He said and I smiled, remembering the one time that we took her and Bryant to the mall and dropped them in the kids section. We were half way home when we remembered that they were not with us. We had to drive back to the mall. I guess we just have to take them shopping with us  sometimes or everytime. We got to the mall and did some snack shopping before taking a drive round the entire estate. We just wanted to while away time before heading back into the house. My phone rang. It was Daniella

Me: hey, D. Whats going on?
Daniella: hey. Where are you? I'm at Kim's already and I thought you were going to be here
Me: You're at Kim's?
Daniella: yes. Ryan and Kat too. I thought Barry would be here but Kim said that he was with you.
Me: yeah. We had some errands to run. We are heading back though. Want something?
Daniella: yes. Tell Barry that his phone is unreachable again and it's really starting to piss me off. His phone is always on DND. How on earth am I supposed to reach him if he can't be reached?
Me: I don't understand why you're yelling at me. He is sitting right next to me so can I just give him the phone so you can talk to him yourself?
Daniella: nevermind. I'd just hang around until you both come back. I don't have anything to do back at home
Me: alright then. I'd see you soon

I said and she hung up. I looked at Barry. I shook my head.

Barry: why are you looking at me like that?
Me: Dani said she has been trying to reach you. I think you're in trouble. She said something about your phone always being on DND and she can't reach you on a normal day

He pulled out his phone and she was right. He slapped his forehead with his hand

Barry: did she sound mad?
Me: ofcourse she did. We should really head back before she burns down Kim's house.

I teased before taking the next U turn and heading back to Kim's. When I got there with Hailey, you could bet that Bryant was glad to see her. I better not find him hitting on my sister anytime soon. I walked up to her room and opened the door. I found Ryan and Kat all in each other's faces, acting cute. Daniella was on her phone and Kim had her earphones plugged in and her eyes closed. She was doing it again, she was shutting the world out.

Daniella: where is Barry?
Me: trying to explain to his six year old brother where he went to
Daniella: that is not the only person he would be explaining to when I see him

She said as she got up from Kim's bed and headed out the door. I smiled before dropping on her bed and slipping my hands around her waist. Her eyes opened immediately and she turned around, removing her earphones

Kim: hey, I didn't see you come in
Me: yeah, you were in your own world. You look so tired though. Are you okay?
Kim: yeah, I am. I just had so much to do over night. How was your drive?

She asked. She looked extremely tired and I knew she wasn't going to open up to me and that was fine. We had this couples therapy and they asked me to respect her space and her privacy and I was really trying to do that but it was coming between us. It was like she was a different person. I didn't know how to fix that. I was definitely going to blame the therapist of we fell out because I was deeply in love with her now, more than ever. I sighed and kissed her forehead

Kim: what's on your mind?
Me: nothing, sweetheart. I'm just worried about you. I don't think you're getting enough rest and I have no idea about what is eating up all your time
Kim: You don't have to worry about me. I am fine and you know this
Me: that is what you say babe. You're not getting any sleep and you keep saying you're fine. I don't know what else to do. I need to be in your space again. I need to know what's going on with you.
Kim: nothing is going on with me. I'm fine, Nick. You should really stop over worrying about me. I just need some rest. After that, I'll be good

I sighed. I couldn't argue with her. I didn't want any fight with her so I just agreed. I pulled her close to me and she sank into my body

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