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I looked at her as she walked away. I wanted to grab her and pull her back and kiss her. I wanted her to know that I had missed her but I didn't know how to tell her that. It looked like she was fine without me and I decided that things were fine this way. I headed back home and on my way out, I bumped into Kylie

Kylie: hey, I have not been expecting you around these parts. What brings you here?
Me: I don't know. I just wanted a drive and you are ruining it
Kylie: yeah, right
Me: bye
Kylie: wait, can we talk
Me: talk about what this time?
Kylie: how we left things. It wasn't right and I want time to make things up to you and start over
Me: I'll pass!
Kylie: c'mon, Nick. It's not like you have Kim I'm your life. I know you broke up with her already. There is nothing stopping you from hanging out with me now!
Me: Kylie, me not hanging out with you was never because of Kim. It was because of you and your mistakes, Kim had nothing to do with it
Kylie: whatever you say, when you change your mind, I am just one phone call away

She said as she turned to leave. I rolled my eyes and headed back home. When I got home, I made a quick lunch and focused on my assignments. By the time I was done, my mom was back with Hailey. We had dinner without Dad and I had a silent weekend until it was Monday morning. I woke up, had the normal routine and headed for school. I was driving into the school parking lot when I saw her and Barry. He had her pinned on their car and he was too close to her, almost kissing her. I got down from my car and walked up to then

Me: Barry, what the heck?

He turned around and looked at me

Barry: thank goodness you're here. Kim's got something in her eyes and it won't come off

I moved back. I rubbed my forehead and sighed. I thought different. I was quick to judge her, again. I handed her a bottle of water and she rinsed her eyes. Whatever was in it came out quickly

Kim: I don't want to ever experience that in my life again

She said and she looked at me

Kim: thanks for the water. I would replace it once I get myself together
Me: it's fine actually, you don't have to.

Barry's phone rang and he looked at the both of us

Barry: I have to go. Daniela is at the cafeteria and she needs me. Would you be okay?

He asked her

Kim: yeah sure, go ahead

He gave her a forehead kiss before running off, leaving her with me. I moved close and touched her shoulder

Me: do you need me to get anything for you? Or did you want to get to the med bay?
Kim: no, I'm fine. I just need a minute to catch my breath and maybe a change of clothing

She said

Me: I can drive you back home if you want
Kim: I can drive myself
Me: Kim!

I yelled her name. I felt like she was avoiding me now. She didn't want to be around me, she didn't want to hang out with me. I thought things were fine between us but I was wrong, things were not fine and I was going to take it upon myself to fix that. She sighed

Kim: fine, you can drive me back home

I smiled and she got into my car. I guess this meant we were both skipping school today. We got to her house and we both got in.

Nick: I haven't been here in a while
Kim: yeah

She said as she headed up to her room. She dropped on her bed and rubbed her forehead. She looked at her reflection in the mirror and wondered what Nick was doing here. Why was he trying do hard to be a part of her life again? What was she doing? She took off her dress and wore another one. It was short and body hugging but she was less bothered. She picked up her bag and headed down. She met Nick on the sofa

Kim: I'm done, let's head back
Nick: we are three hours late, and you want to go back, to school?
Kim: yeah. What's wrong?
Nick: I don't want to go back. I want to spend time here, with you, alone!
Kim: why do you want to spend time with me? C'mon, you know you shouldn't be around me
Nick: why? Because we were in a relationship once and we can't seem to understand what we want or because we both haven't moved in from each other
Kim: I am not having this conversation with you, not now, not ever

She said as she turned to walk out

Nick: when then? When would you ever be ready to talk about it? You have shifted from me and the whole bull shit of I'm there for you had been a lie to you. You wouldn't let me even look at you anymore. You wouldn't talk to me or let me know what's going on in your life. You hang out with Yale and he's got a girlfriend so I know you're not in a relationship with him. So tell me, why on earth are you doing this?
Kim: because you left, Nick! You left me when I was at my lowest, hey! That didn't change anything because I am still at my lowest and you left me! You left me when I needed you the most and I couldn't stop you because I wanted you happy and not miserable with me. I wanted you to happy even if that was going to be with someone else. It didn't matter who you were going to be with, I just wanted you happy

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