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Nick: I know but I don't like seeing you with other people. What was that with Yale? I leave you for three minutes and you're in a corner with some other dude? You claim that he is just your friend but Kimberly, I have seen the way he looks at you. He doesn't want to be just friends. He is in love with you and I am so scared that you would soon start to feel the same way for him too
Kim: Yale and I are just friends. It is your insecurity that is getting to you. I promise that there would be nothing between Yale and I, now or in the nearest future.
Nick: then what in the moon's name were you both doing in a corner, so close to each other?
Kim: I saw something and I ran off to check it out. He came to make sure that I was okay and then you walked in on us, you saw something else and what you think you saw wasn't what went down

He looked at her and he sighed. He nodded at her and brought her face down to his, kissing her slowly. She smiled after the kiss and he dropped back on his bed.

Kim: what's wrong?
Nick: nothing, I just don't feel like getting out of bed. I could really use a pizza though
Kim: I would order one but you have to get out of bed. Your friends are in the living room. You need to be there.
Nick: can't I just stay here with you? Must we talk to other people? You know what, I think we should find another planet to stay where they don't have to disturb us or something.

She looked at him and smiled. She was about to stand up when the phone that came through the mail rang. She looked at it and she sighed.

Nick: I didn't know that you got a new phone
Kim: that is because I didn't.
Nick: so where did you get that from?
Kim: it came through the mail box. I don't know who sent it but whoever it is knows about me and all the drama that happened with me and Harvard and Chloe and now, he is telling me that my mom is alive somewhere.
Nick: we buried your mom. What do you mean? What are you talking about?
Barry: someone reached out to me three weeks ago with that same story but I don't know what to do with it so I decided to cut off all forms of communication with the person.
Kim: Hold on, you knew that there was a chance at mom being alive and you didn't say anything? What kind of a person are you?
Barry: What was u supposed to do? Tell you? What if it wasn't true? Do you think you are ready to relive your mom's death? You can't even move on from the first one and you think that you can relive a second one? Who the hell do you think you are deceiving?
Kim: you had no right to make that decision for me! It wasn't your decision to make!
Barry: have you told your brother then? Since I can't make that decision for you, why the hell are you making it for Jayden? That is hypocrisy right there!
Kim: Jayden is my brother! I can't tell him until I have confirmed it. We had a mom! She was our mom.
Barry: so if it was Jayden that made that decision, it would have been fine with you because he is your biological brother?
Nick: Kim, you don't need to answer that.
Kim: actually I think I do
Barry: then answer the dam question!
Kim: I would have understood because he is my brother. She was his mom! He was in that position to take that decision
Barry: and I am not because I am not your blood brother?

She looked at him and she scoffed. She knew that she needed to get a hold herself before she said something that she was going to regret. The last thing she wanted was to hurt Barry but he was literally pushing her to the wall, forcing the words out of her like he wanted her to say that they were not related.

Barry: answer me! What the hell is that supposed to mean?
Kim: I didn’t say anything like that but I thought that we were in this together. We said no more secrets. He reached out to you first and you didn’t think I needed to know? Do you need me to remind you about everything I did just so I could find her killer? Then it turns out that she is not even dead! We could have died, multiple times just because of me! You still didn’t think that it was necessary for me to know? You are so unbelievable.
Barry: I was trying to protect you. What if this person was lying about all of this? Someone mails a phone to us, says his name is Garrett and tells us that the woman we watched her coffin get buried isn’t dead? Does all of this not sound sketchy to you?
Kim: it does but there is a live video of mom, she is even here in the states!
Barry: your mom loves you and I am telling you that she would not do that to you or to Jayden. She wouldn’t do that to me and she wouldn’t do that to Bryant!
Kim: then it wouldn’t hurt to find out the truth, would it?

She said to him and he shook his head. He was expecting her to drop it and tell Garrett that she was done with his mind games but things weren't going according to plans. Barry walked out of the room, hoping that Nicholas would talk some sense into her. When Barry walked out, she sighed.

Nick: I don’t think you should be mad at him for keeping a secret that you kept and still planning on keeping from your brother and your dad.

Nick said to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2023 ⏰

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