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Me: don't do what? Kim, can you hear yourself? He almost raped you last year and you are here talking to him? I understand that you're mad but this is the limit!
Kim: can you not do this? Not here

She snapped at me as she walked out. She pulled out her phone and I know what that meant, I wasn't driving her home today. A car pulled up at the gate and she got in. That was the last time I saw her that day. I woke up and it was a Saturday. I pulled out my phone, hoping she would drop a text or something but she didn't. I called her and she didn't pick up. I was going to give up when Kat texted me

Kat: I heard about your little fall out with Kim. Apparently, Zayn was on therapy and he was sent to apologize to her as his assignment and you blew that off
Me: I don't care if he was ordered by a judge to apologize to her. I don't want him around her! She has been through so much because of him. I don't understand any of you. How can you act like there is nothing wrong with all of this?
Kat: we are not acting like there is nothing wrong but Kim is her own person and it is her choice to stay away from Zayn or not stay away. It is hers, Nick, not yours. She is stressed as hell right now and the weight of the entire East High cheerleading team rests on her. It can be really draining especially since she just got out from one drama. You really shouldn't be putting her in another one

She said. I tossed my phone to the side of my bed. I knew that I wasn't ready to hear the truth and maybe I just wasn't ever going to be ready. I left my room and went down for breakfast


I walked down to the living room and looked around. It was almost like the house was empty. I went into the kitchen and found the place empty. I pulled out my phone from my back pocket and saw Jayden's text

Jayden: don't freak out. We went for a guys day out. We would be back before lunch and Tasha is coming over so please be nice to her. She already thinks you don't like her
Me: I don't!
Jayden: just let her in and leave her by herself. She knows her way around the house
Me: I thought you broke up with her
Jayden: Kim, that was months ago. You really have to stay current with what is going on around you and stop living in the past
Me: that's for the not so great advice

I said and I put my phone back in my pocket. I opened the refrigerator and brought out a bowl of chocolate cake. I knew Bryant was going to question the living day light out of me if he found out that I had chocolate cake for breakfast but he wasn't home so I was allowed to bend some rules. I was almost done when the doorbell rang. I rolled my eyes and didn't get up until the third ring. I walked towards the door and opened it, expecting to see Tasha, I was wrong. I opened the door and I saw Nicholas. He looked very tired.

Me: what do you want now?
Nick: can we talk?
Me: talk about what?
Nick: us. Yesterday. I snapped at you and I shouldn't have. Uhm, I talked to Kat and she told me what happened between you and Zayn. I should have listened instead of snapping at you
Me: yeah, you should have
Nick: and I'm sorry about Carol and whatever happened yesterday morning. I just want to make things up
Me: you should come in.

I said looking far off at a reporter who had his phone out. He was probably taking pictures to get an article again. I was sick and tired of these reporters writing about me. I moved from the door and Nick came in. I rolled my eyes at the reporter and slammed the door shut. I turned to Nick and he buried his face in mine.

Nicholas' POV

I have been holding myself from doing that for the moment she opened the door. I looked at her after kissing her

Kim: what was that for?
Me: nothing, I just missed you so much
Kim: I saw you yesterday. C'mon.

She said as she turned in and headed to the living room

Me: where did everybody go?
Kim: some guys hang out
Me: so unfair that they couldn't take you
Kim: I never go to any of their hang outs. I am a girl and they make it pretty clear every time they are going out. Should I get you anything to drink?
Me: I just had breakfast not long ago. Tell me you have gotten something to eat
Kim: yes, I already got breakfast

I noticed the almost finished chocolate cake on the table and looked at her

Me: don't tell me you had chocolate cake for breakfast
Kim: what of I did? It is jot as bad as we all thought. It is actually nice to have chocolate cake for breakfast
Me: that is you just trying to justify your actions. It is bad and you know this. How do you not get a tummy ache after?
Kim: exactly. I don't get a tummy ache
Me: until it is your period cycle
Kim: that doesn't count. Don't bring my period cycle into this

She said, squinting her eyes at me and pointing her fingers in my face

Me: c'mon, Kim. You would eventually call me and I would be at the receiving end of your mood swings
Kim: whatever
Me: you should get something to eat and get that chocolate cake out of your system
Kim: and if I day no?
Me: then I'll tell Jayden you had chocolate cake for dinner right now. I'd text him
Kim: you're evil
Me: I guess I'd make toast in the kitchen

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