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Kim: why are you helping me?
Garrett: I already told you that I need to get back at my sister and I hate liars and for starters, your mom is one

Kim didn't know what to say at this point. She heard the front door  open

Kim: I have to go. I would call back later

She said as she hung up and headed out of her room. She saw Jayden standing there with Tasha

Jayden: I didn't know you were home
Kim: yeah, how would you?
Tasha: hey Kimberly

She rolled her eyes at her and turned to her brother

Kim: where is Bryant?
Jayden: she just said hey to you. Are you going to act like you were not brought up right and ignore the greeting
Kim: where the hell is Bryant?
Jayden: if you are not going to answer her greeting them maybe you should not talk to me
Tasha: don't do that to your sister because of me
Kim: gladly

She said as she headed back to her room. She skipped lunch and dinner. It was Saturday morning when she opened her eyes. She heard the door to her room open and she slammed her laptop shut. She had worked over night and she had slept off while working. She looked up from her pillow and she saw Bryant standing there

Bryant: Kim, get up, we have to go
Kim: go where? It is a Saturday. Go back to bed Bryant
Bryant: you promised to take me to Nicholas' house to see Hailey

Kim groaned as she remembered that she did promise to take him to Nick's house on Saturday

Kim: I know and I would take you but it is way too early to go there and he would still be asleep, so would Hailey. Can you just wait for another hour or two?
Bryant: okay

He said as he walked out of her room. She dropped back on her bed and she slept off again. She woke up to Bryant in her face and she almost jumped out of bed

Bryant: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you but your phone has been ringing all morning

He said to her. She turned around and saw that it was the phone that was sent to her yesterday. She picked it up and saw that it was the same number that was calling her, Garrett. She groaned

Kim: why don't you go and get your jacket while I take a shower and get ready?
Bryant: okay

She knew that Bryant was going to be back so she dialed the number immediately he left her room

Garret: late morning?
Kim: no, I just have a family to protect until I know that I can trust you
Garrett: I don't have a reason to lie to you. I have been very honest with you right from the very beginning
Kim: doesn't mean that I believe you
Garret: I don't need you to believe me. I just need you to understand that Chloe is coming back and you are not safe until you find your mother
Kin: since you know where she is, why not just tell me so we can move past all of this?
Garrett: if I do that, I would be ruining the fun
Kim: I think I believe you now
Garrett: believe me?
Kim: you are definitely Chloe's brother. You both need a psychiatrist
Garrett: I would take that as a compliment
Kim: I want to meet you physically
Garrett: I would not advice that
Kim: why? Are you scared if a teenager?
Garrett: nice one smart kid but you wouldn't push me into seeing you. I need to be away from this as much as possible
Kim: where is my mom?
Garrett: I can't tell you. You would have to find her yourself. If I tell you, they would know that I told you and that would mean I would get into a lot of trouble
Kim: what is stopping me from going to the police with all of this information?
Garrett: nothing is. I just know that you wouldn't go to then because a part of you believes that I am telling the truth. A part of you knows that I am right and your mom is out there somewhere. The real question is why did she stage her own death just to leave you and live another life?

Her front door opened

Garrett: I guess you have to go

He said and he ended the call. She tossed the phone under her pillow and looked at the door. It was Barry

Barry: hey, what is going on?
Kim: nothing. What do you mean?
Barry: I don't know but you look like you are hiding something. Want to share?
Kim: I am not hiding anything. I am just too tired to fulfill the promise I made to Bryant
Barry: oh, taking him to Nick's place. I can take him there and hang out with Nick but you would have to come there eventually
Kim: I would. I just need to pull myself together. I didn't have so much of a good sleep last night and I just think I would have a slow day
Barry: alright. I wools take him but we wouldn't leave until you get there. I actually wanted to talk to you about something else.
Kim: well, you have my attention already
Barry: Jayden said you were rude to his girlfriend yesterday and I want to know why
Kim: instant rude to her. Jayden is overreacting, trust me. I just didn't respond to her greetings and he is making a big deal of it
Barry: why wouldn't you respond to her greeting? Kimberly, that is rude of you!
Kim: Barry, are you telling me that you are really cool with her? You know what she did to Jayden
Barry: and Hayden has decided to give her another chance. She didn't cheat on him, she only led another guy on.

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