These Fragile Things

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A girly giggle, crazy in love;

High heels clicking against the floor.

With a single spin, landing on his chest;

Meeting him wasn't at all a mistake.

Was it?

Purple balloons flying above;

Laughing and jumping, "oh, I'm in love!"

He smells fresh, like my favorite cookies;

He smiles at me, and my heart's flooding.

In butterflies, is it?

He holds me close; I can feel his warmth;

We dance and beam; we were so much in love.

And then he kisses me like a whisper of everything;

My heart stops and flutters; my world's foggy Tuesday morning.

Is it something or everything?

Months are butterflies, seconds burn;

We wear fur coats and sing on Christmas.

We touch our hearts; we fall deeper;

We read books on afternoons and throw snowballs at each other.

We are in love, aren't we?

But hearts of twenty are dangerous;

They get in and out, tasting others.

Beautiful yet hard, pink yet black;

Sometimes these hearts can't carry loads on their back.

Was I going away?

He comes and gives me a bunch of roses;

Not red, but yellow; he says he needs spaces.

"Breaking up doesn't give spaces."

They hurt like scratching the same wound with glasses.

Are we not ever getting together?

I cry and cry and scream and scream;

I'm in pain and feeling foggy again.

He and I are all about each other;

We can hug and even wipe away our tears.

Do we really need this?

Love's just a fairy tale they dream 

of; Love's sometimes hard—not exactly how it seems.

He loses his mind, and I lose my heart;

We fight and fight until one gives up.

Are we going to break up?

Years pass like motorjet;

We have broken up, and I'm not afraid.

I see you sometims in the lane:

A girl by your side, maybe your new girlfriend.

Hang on—did we ever do that girlfriend-boyfriend thing?

We just had this little thing called love:

Bordered with black and white memories, bottomed with hearts.

How fragile yet fierce, how calming yet stormy;

We were young and fell in our twenties.

Didn't we?

But these fragile things are locked up

With a golden key in our hearts.

It was an exuberant fairy tale;

We danced and danced until we got exhausted and broke the spell.

Didn't we?

These fragile questions remain in the dark;

We follow our suits and deny those sparks.

But they shine and flicker each night—

But escape our rooms, and promise not to fight.

We were too late, I guess.


A/N: Life's a little chaotic now. I'm unable to focus on too many things. I'm planning on a lot of stuff, and soon, new things will come up (wow, it rhymed!). I got a little nostalgic while writing these. About my first love, my Grandad, and our memories together. 

How about you? Are there any special memories treasured in your hearts? Let me know in the comments, and make this little star happy too! :)

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