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Evelyn's POV

"Did you hear the news of those missing boys?" Claire one of our friends asked as we were sitting in college cafeteria. My life is so peaceful right now as it has been 3 days since I have last seen Alexandro. Mia was blabbering something that he has gone to New York with Romanio for some business purpose. I wish he never comes back from there.

Also, no one has seen Mark and his friends. Their parents had lodged a complaint and now whole college is gossiping about it. It feels so weird knowing that I am the only one who knows the truth.

"Honestly, I am really happy to know this news. That Mark and his gang deserve this. Anyway if they wouldn't have gone missing then definitely I would have shot those bastards someday. Anyway, Romanio is teaching me how to shoot" Mia said and I coughed hard listening to her. I am sure that Mia doesn't know her family's secret and she is not like them at all but some aspects of her behaviour are exactly like Alexandro. She is brave and rebellious just the way he is. I just wish she never changes and becomes cruel like that devil.

"Are you okay, Eve?" Mia asked while passing me glass of water.

"No, what did you just say?" I asked while taking a sip from my glass.

"Relax Eve, it is not a big deal. He has a gun for safety purpose. Even my brother has one. So I asked Romanio to teach me to use it. Not that they are using it to kill someone." She said laughing. I wish I could tell her how easily they kill someone like someone kills mosquitoes without thinking. I wonder how will she react knowing the truth.

"Alright." I said smiling. If that is what makes her happy then thats okay. I just dont want her to get hurt when she will know the truth of her family and especially about Romanio.

We sat in cafeteria for more 15-20 minutes till the bell rang then we went to our respective classes as me, Mia and Claire have chosen different optional subjects.

"Hello students, please welcome our new student, Lorenzo." Mrs. Natalia said. My eyes met beautiful blue eyes like sapphire as I looked up from my notebook. A boy little older than me was standing beside Mrs Natalia. He was looking cute and kind of shy.

"Students, he has recently moved here and from his previous record I must tell you that he is one of the brightest students. So, please welcome him." Mrs. Natalia said while smiling.

"Please take your seat dear." She said to him as he thanked her and walked towards my row and stopped near my bench. I looked around to know that I was the only one who was seating alone. So I moved to the other side of desk to give him space. He murmured thank you with smile while showing his cute dimples and I blushed unknowingly. Stupid Hormones.

"Lets start the lecture." Mrs. Natalia said and start her lecture. I tried to concentrate but my whole focus was on the guy sitting beside me who was staring at me once in while.

Alexandro's Pov

"I dont understand how the fuck can this happen?" I spoke little louder to Romanio.

We were sitting in a big conference room. Three days ago I was having the best moments of my life. First time since death of my mother I slept peacefully that night when I held Evelyn in my arms while sleeping. Vanilla scent of her hair was so soothing and calm. Never in my life did I let any girl stay in my bed. But that night with Evelyn was something different. I still couldn't figure out my feelings for her. I know for sure that I am attracted to her. Everything about her fascinates me. The way she gets irritated or angry when I do something which she doesn't like. The way she hugged me after her nightmare. The way she got relaxed and her expressions changed when she saw me for the first time when those guys were chasing her. The way she plays with her fingers when she gets nervous. Every small thing about her is drawing me towards her like a moth to a flame.

I was living a dream with her beside me in my bed when a phone call disturbed me. It was a call from my father asking me to come to New York as soon as possible. So I had to leave my tesoro and leave immediately.

When I killed Federico that time we all thought that there is no heir to carry on his business and hence there is no rival left. But last week dad came to know from his sources that Federico had a son who he had kept away from mafia world to protect him the way I did to protect Mia. This information has spread like fire in New York where most of the business of Federico was spread out. Due to which many of local gangs belonging to Federico tried to rebel against me. But finally today we wiped out existence of all those gangs forever. But unfortunately it has been 3 days and we still dont have any clue about Federico's son.

I have killed all my rivals those who were against accepting me as the Mafia king and most of them surrendered themselves but now knowing that there is someone who might challenge my position is something not acceptable. Also we have no idea of his identity. We still dont have a single clue of how he looks and where he is. In mafia there is always a threat of someone trying to take revenge for the death of their loved ones. Most importantly we dont know if he is any threat to my position or not. Honestly, I dont care if he tries to take revenge or not. If he does then I wont mind giving him a more painful death than his father. But as a mafia king it is my responsibility to keep tabs on all my rivals.

"Romanio, I need all the information about this bastard and his whereabouts. Also, make arrangements for our departure. Lets go back Home." I ordered Romanio as he nodded and left the room. Home. I don't know why I said that. I never had a home. Home is something where you want to be at the end of the day. But surprisingly, I felt relaxed thinking about going back to Italy. I wondered whether it has something to do with her. Fuck, I miss her so much. But I was so busy that I had no time to think about her. I want to see her as soon as possible. I want to sleep peacefully again like that night. I miss her fragrance. Her smile. Her innocent eyes and her angry face with that cute pout which I want to kiss so badly. Fuck, what this girl is doing to me. I wonder whether she is thinking about me. What if she has found someone in this three days. An unknown rage filled my mind by this thought. No, I have told her that she belongs to me. She is mine. Anyone who will try to come between us will have to die.

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