Chapter 42

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"Are you excited for your first day back at daycare?" Meredith asks Josie enthusiastically as they get ready for the day. Josie nods, a huge smile on her face.

"What if it's too soon?" Derek wonders out loud. "I could take a few more days off, we could wait." Derek offers. Meredith places a hand on his arm.

"She's ready Derek. She's doing great, she wants to go." She assures him. He nods, knowing she's right.

"Yeah daddy. I can do it, pwomise." Josie agrees. Derek scoops her up into his arms.

"I know you can little bear, I just worry about you that's all."

"I'm stwong now, you'll see."

"The strongest." Derek whispers as kisses her forehead lovingly.


Derek and Meredith walk down the hallway toward the daycare with Josie in between them. Each of them holding on of her little hands in one of their own.

"You sure about this Jose? It's not too late, we can still go home." Derek offers

"Daddy..." Josie groans, rolling her eyes at him.

"Okay, okay, I know." Meredith can't help but laugh a little. They walk Josie in and get her all settled. Derek squats down in front of her.

"You can call me anytime okay? I don't care if you're just tired and want to go home, you call me and I'll come get you. Okay?" He tells her softly. She nods.

"I'll be fine daddy. Don't worry." Derek smiles at her.

"Okay.." he says as he gently caresses her cheek. "I love you."

"I wove you the most." Josie responds cheerfully. She's obviously happy to be getting back to the way things were before. Meredith kisses the top of her head as Derek stands.

"Have a good day." He gives her a little wave as he starts walking toward the door. She waves back.

"Don't worry daddy! Be brave!" She calls after him as they leave the room. They don't even make it half way down the first hallway before he stops in his tracks.

"It's too soon, I should be with her." He tells Meredith.

"She's going to be just fine." She replies as she wraps a hand around one of his.

"What if she seizes? I won't be there..."

"We're in a hospital Derek. They know what to do, we made sure of that."

"I know...I know you're right. It's just..she's my baby. I hate the thought of leaving her there."

"You saw her, she's ready. You're more worried about it than she is." Meredith says with a little chuckle. Derek cracks a little grin.

"I can't believe she told me to be brave." They both laugh at that. He shakes his head. "You're right." He repeats. "She's ready."

"Are you?"

"No, but I don't think I ever will be. After seeing her so sick I never want to let her out of my sight again." He answers honestly. Meredith pulls him into a comforting hug.

"You're an incredible father Derek. I know this hard, I don't like it either, but she's got this. We just have to keep moving forward."

"You amaze me." He whispers against the top of her head as he continues to hold her. She pulls away just enough to be able to look up into his eyes, a sweet smile on her face. He looks down at her, his gaze so full of love and admiration.

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