"The wanderers"

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"Welcome to the world of remnant."

"This world of grimm of huntsman and huntress alike."

We start this journey of these one huntress and one girl with the ambition to become a huntress....

Meanwhile somewhere in snowy forest of remnant...

Regina: Come on! I want to become a huntress like you! Why not?!

Lily: Two reasons. One. You're not ready to fight yet. Two. What would people think when they saw someone who looks like a grimm?

Regina: that doesn't mean I can't become stronger! I can show that I am not a grimm!

Lily: Regina.... sigh. Come on. I will at least think about it.

Regina: Eeeeeee!!!

Regina picked lily up and put her down in excitement.

Lily: Ok, ok. I know you are excited just-


Lily: Who's there!!

Regina: Wait I sense-

Then a beowolf lunged out of the bushes towards lily.

Lily then fell backwards but then Regina sliced the beowolf off of her with the Sycthe that she had made with the her grimm powers.

Regina smirked at lily.

Regina: One point to me.

Then lily shot a dark beam out of her left hand.

Lily: One point to me.

Regina: Dang it! I missed one!

Lily: Heh. We both did.

Regina: I sense a lot more coming.

Lily: How many?

Regina helped Lily up.

Regina: a lot more. Not sure exactly how much . I can sense a huge blob of grimm. So a lot.

Lily: Great, we should probably get out of here.

Regina: Agreed. Wait... some of the grimm is going down...

Lily:Hm, let's go check it out.

Regina: Ok!

You both went to this open snow field.

Regina: This is where I sensed most of the grimm.

Lily: Hm, strange... it is almost empty besides the dead leaves.

Regina: Wait Lily over there!

She pointed towards across the open snow to someone in a red hood with a red Sycthe.

Lily: It.... Can't be.

Regina: Who is that? Why does she look familiar?

Then the red hooded girl sliced the grimm that came close to her and then her slung the top of her Sycthe on her back.

Lily: do you sense anymore?

Regina: Not at the moment. Should we see who she is?

Lily: I don't know...

Regina: I really want to before she leaves.

Lily: Sigh, alright. I think it's time I stop being overprotective. However, I will be right next to you if anything happens.

Regina: Yay!!

Regina Looked back at the red hooded figure to see she started to walk away.

Regina: Wait!

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