5. The trigger

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"Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind.
'Pooh?', he whispered.
'Yes, Piglet?'
'Nothing', said Piglet taking Pooh's hand.' I just wanted to be sure of you'"
~A.A.Milne, winnie the Pooh


" Would you have proposed her, Blake?,"Chlara asked, breaking the silence.

"I would have since I was in love with her. More than you can imagine. I am in love with her," Blake replied slowly, sadly. Chlara nodded, smiling at him.

"She was a pocket full of sunshine, so beautiful. I wish she was here,I really do," he whispered. "I almost feel it's over, my life's totally over"

"No, Blake. You can't give up on life this way. Lucy would hate it, she really would," Chlara said.

"Then tell her to come back. Tell her I can't live without her. Tell her I need her. Tell her I love her," Blake said as his pearly crystal like tears fell on the grass below. Chlara didn't reply, she just stayed there in silence.

"What time is it, anyway?," Blake said after a while.

"Three-thirty. College's over," Chlara informed him.

"What? We missed so many classes?"


"We have to do something," Chlara said to Eros and Kristine. They were sitting in a café , discussing about Blake.

"We have to do something for him. He can't go on like this. It isn't any good," she added.

"But how? There's no formula of re-living you know..," Kristine said. She wished there was though.

"Well, we'll have to create one ourselves," Chlara said, slowly.

"Okay so I guess we could do this," Kristine said, discussing the plan. The talked for some time and then Kristine spoke up again.

"So it's final then?"

"Yeah. Sunday it is." They nodded.

"Didn't you have to go to the hospital, Eros?,"Kristine reminded.

"Yeah, going"

"Hospital? For what?," Chlara enquired.

"To collect Lucy's medical files".


Eros walked inside the hospital in silence which was involved in its bustle of activity.

"Lucy Goodwin," he said to the receptionist. "I want her medical file"

"The person responsible is not here now, sir. But you could go the room to collect it if you want," the receptionist said. The receptionist knew him well, so she gave him the authority to collect files. He thanked her and walked towards the room.

"Files"was plainly stencilled on the door. He opened it and went inside. It was small, dusty and old room and the floor was tiled with vinyl squares. Eros rummaged through the names on the file, as he inhaled the dust from the room and coughed.

"Lucy Goodwin"

He pulled out the file in satisfaction and read through the pages. Bomb blast. November. Then, realization struck him. He flipped the pages backwards. His eyes widened in horror. His head started spinning almost instantly and he couldn't believe what he saw. All of a sudden, it seemed as if a bomb had blasted in Eros' life itself. The land beneath his feet seemed to spin and he held onto the cupboard for support. He rechecked the name and the file. But how was this possible ?

"Oh my God...."


Kristine and Chlara decided to go to Blake's residence. Mrs. Halter greeted them with a warm smile and ushered them to Blake's bedroom .

Blake was sitting on the bed, his guitar resting on his thighs , as he played a sweet, melodious tune. It was a slow, sad tune. His eyes were closed and a small crescent smile was spread across his face.

"It's beautiful, Blake. You play it so well," Chlara said, going towards him.

"Oh, hey. Thanks," he said, welcoming them both.

"BLAKE!," Eros shouted as he stopped in front of the door. He was panting.

"What's wrong, Eros?," Blake asked, worried. Eros' face was filled with horror, worry and surprise.

"Lucy...Lucy didn't die... She.. she's alive...."

~*~ ~*~

Yikes XD *laughs*

Next chapter : The Unanswered questions

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