Chapter eight

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"God how much stuff do you need to bring?" Ben asked me, as I brought out a suitcase and three big bags to his car.

"What? Your cars big enough" I said, starting to put my things in the boot of his car.

"I suppose you're right, but it is only for a week" He told me as we both got in the front of his car.

"I have presents for Brodie, it's his birthday while we're there, they mentioned something about going out for dinner, you can come if you like" I told him, Brodie being my cousins son.

"Yeah of course, I love Brodie, plus I haven't seen Sean in a while, why was it just Brodie last time?" He asked since Brodie was at my antis on his own the last time Ben had come down with me.

"Oh, uh, Sean just needs a break sometimes I think, you know being a single dad and all" I told him. "But I think he would like to spend some time with you" I told him with a smile.

"Uh how are things with you and Mase?" He asked me, seeming quite interested.

"Not too good, he didn't want me to go and see my family because he apparently had things planned for us, but I haven't seen them for way too long, so I can't just drop everything for him" I said, sighing. "You know, I get scared when I leave him for a few days or whatever"

"How come?" He asked me, keeping his eyes on the road.

"I just get scared that he will cheat on me or something" I said, but in away I hoped he would so that I had a good enough reason to break up with him.

"The Mason I know wouldn't" Ben said, putting his hand on top of mine with a smile.


"Thank you for driving me Ben" I said as he pulled up at my antis house, his parents just a few doors down from them.

"Any time, I think I will be seeing you tonight" He told me with a smile.

"Yeah you will be, right I'm gonna go inside I will see you later" I said, opening the car door and getting my things out.

I knocked on the door as Ben drove away, a very happy looking Freya, my cousin, came to open the door for me.

"Meg!" She shrieked, immediately going in to hug me.

"Hey Frey" I giggled at how excited she was.

"Sorry, I just haven't seen you in a while, come in I'm sure everyone will be excited to see you" She said, practically dragging me inside.

"Meg, sweetie" my anti said, jumping up from the sofa to hug me.

"Hey Jan" I said, Jan being my anti. I could hear Mark, my uncle, and Sean shouting in the other room so I assumed they were playing fifa or something. "I'm assuming there in there playing fifa?" I said, pointing to the other living room.

"They are, I bet they haven't even realised your here" Jan laughed.

"Well, I'm gonna go and say hello" I said, leaving my bags in the huge kitchen they had. I opened the door of the living room and poked my head room the door frame.

"Helloooo" I said, standing in front of the tele so they couldn't see anymore.

"Hey Meg!" Sean said, giving me a hug, mark also coming to give me a hug.

"Hey, it's good to see you both again" I said with a smile. "Hello Brodie" I said to the toddler who was sat playing on the floor.

"I'm gonna be four!" He said, holding up four fingers to show me, which I thought was cute.

"Wow! You're gonna be a big boy" I said in that voice that everyone talks to little kids in.

"I know" He said, sitting back down and playing with his toys.

"I'll let you guys carry on with your game" I said, moving out of the way and leaving the room.

"Oh, Meg, sweetie I forgot to mention I bought you a dress for tonight, it's hanging on your old bedroom door" Jan told me as I came out of the living room.

"Oh Jan, you really didn't have to" I said, thinking it was sweet of her to buy me a dress.

"I know, but I wanted you to, plus you should be looking nice for Ben" She said, making me confused.

"Why Ben?" I asked, leaning on the banister of the stairs.

"It's obvious you like him honey" She said, winking at the end.

"Jan, I have a boyfriend" I told her, trying not to giggle.

"That doesn't mean you can't like Ben" She said, me just rolling my eyes with a smile as I walked up the stairs.

I took the black dress I saw off my door, it was beautiful it wasn't too long or too short, it had sequins scattered on random places and a small slit in the middle.

I couldn't just keep looking at it, I had to try it on. I put the dress on and I finally thought I looked beautiful in something.

"You look nice in that" I heard Freya say, but she scared me as I didn't know she was stood there.

"Ahh! Jesus Frey I didn't know you were there" I said, her just smirking.

"Sorry, but I have one suggestion for you" She said, sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Go on" I sighed, having a feeling what it would be about.

"Dump Mason and go for Ben, we like Ben and we know you do too" Freya said, smirking.

"It's not that easy you know" I said, sighing.


It was eight o'clock and there was a knock on the door, I jumped up from the sofa and went to the door to see my anti opening it, I saw Bens Mum, Dad and Brother Kieran, but not Ben.

"Hey guys, nice to see you" I said with a smile, wondering where Ben was.

"Hello Meg, Ben wanted us to tell you he's sorry he can't come, he wasn't too well earlier, so that's why" His mum, Debby told me.

"Oh, that's a shame" I said as she gave me a sympathetic smile and went to speak to my anti.

"You look bummed about that" Freya said to me, just to wind me up.

"Shut up" I said, lightly punching her arm.
"Hey, do you think I could take this dinner to Ben?" I asked Debby, to which she smiled.

"I'm sure he'd love that" She told me, I smiled and took some of the things and put them in a bag. I walked round to their house and knocked.

"Oh, hey what are you doing here" Ben asked, seeming happy that I was there.

"Well, I thought I'd bring dinner to you" I said, holding the bag up.

"Thank you, sorry I couldn't come to yours I came down with something this afternoon" He said, sitting on a stool at the kitchen island. "I should be okay tomorrow though" He told me.

"It's okay don't worry about it" I said as I started getting the ingredients out.

"Uh by the way you look very nice" He said, making me blush.

"Oh, thank you" I said, not being able to control my smile. "By the way, Brodie's birthday dinner is tomorrow, it's okay if you don't feel like going" I informed him.

"No, I'll be there, like I said I should be okay tomorrow" He said, smiling.

"Thank god because I don't fancy being in a car with all of them, of course if you don't mind picking me up" I said.

"Of course I will" He told me, making me smile. "Why don't you break up with Mason?" Ben asked me, his question catching me off guard.

"Oh, uh, because I love him obviously" I said, not looking at him.

"No you don't, I can tell. You asked me why I was with someone that treated me like dirt, so I'm going to ask you the same question" He said, seeming deadly serious.

"He doesn't Ben, you aren't there all the time" I  said, I knew there were feelings for Ben, but I didn't want to admit I had them.

I picked up my phone and saw something I had a feeling I was going to see.

Merry Christmas! :) feliz navidad

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