Chapter nine

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"What's wrong?" Ben asked me as I looked at the article I was reading with a photo of Mason kissing another girl attached.

"Look" I said, showing him my phone, with tears filling my eyes.

"I'm gonna kill him" Ben said, angrily, as the tears spilt from my eyes. He came to the other side of the counter and wrapped his arms around me. "He's not worth crying over Megs" He told me.

I had an idea in that moment, I wiped my tears away, I knew this wasn't such a good idea, but I had wanted to do it for so long and if I did, I would be equal with Mason.

"Kiss me" I said, still wrapped in his arms.

"What?" Ben asked, seeming confused.

"Forget it, bad idea" I said, now turning away from him as my cheeks went pink. After a few seconds, I felt his fingers on my chin, he tipped my head up slightly and went in to kiss me.

"And now you're even" Ben said, but while he was kissing me butterflies erupted in my stomach

I just smiled and looked down at the counter.


"Come on we need to go" I heard Jan shouting up the stairs to me and Freya.

"Just pick some shoes" I said to Freya as she was making me help her to pick some shoes that matched her outfit.

"Fine, okay" She said, putting some black heels on.

We went back downstairs and I saw Ben waiting for me on the drive with his car.

We were of course going to Pizza Hut since that was every kids favourite restaurant.

"Hey" Ben said as I came out of the house with a smile.

"Hey, you ready to go?" I asked him.

"Yep" He said as he opened the door for me, I noticed something in the back of his car, it looked like a present.

"You got something for Brodie?" I asked him, thinking it was sweet.

"Yeah, it's a signed shirt of joao Pedro, he told me that was his favourite player" Ben said, my family were big Watford supporters apart from me, I was a Chelsea supporter.

"Ben, that is so sweet, it can't of been easy to get that" I said since Watford were no longer in the same league.

"I had to go through like six people, but it's no big deal" He said, smiling.

"You're a sweet guy Ben" I said, since that was the truth.

"Thank you" He said, smiling. He eventually pulled up outside of Pizza Hut while the others also arrived at the same time.

"I think I'm just gonna eat at home, I hate pizza" I said, pizza always made me feel sick so I never ate it.

"You hate pizza?" Ben asked me, seeming surprised.

"I do" I said as we neared the door of the restaurant.

"Well you are kind of at the wrong place" Ben said, while opening the door for me.

"Oh, you don't say" I said, sarcastically while we walked to the table that everyone was sitting at. "Happy birthday little guy" I said, picking Brodie up and placing him on my knee.

"Speaking of happy birthday, this is for you" Ben said, handing Brodie a wrapped present.

"Thank you Ben!" He said, with a big smile as he began tearing the paper. He gasped as he saw the shirt, and that it was clearly match worn and signed. "Is this for me?" He asked.

"It sure is" Ben said, smiling as he could see Brodie was clearly over joyed.

"This is the best birthday present ever!" He said, going to hug Ben.

"Well I'm glad you like it" Ben said, while hugging Brodie.

"Wow Ben, this is so cool, thank you" Sean said, holding the shirt up.

"Oh it's no problem" Ben said, with a polite smile.

"Ben are you gonna marry anti Meg?" Brodie asked, making my cheeks go pink.

"Maybe" He said, giggling, making me slap his arm lightly.

Everyone, except me, ordered their food and it soon arrived.

"Are you sure you don't want to try any?" Ben asked me, I thought for a few seconds.

"Okay, I'll try some" I said as he passed me a slice of his pizza. "Oh that is actually nice" I said, surprised

"Because I am so nice, I am willing to share it with you" He said, splitting it in half.

"Thank you, very generous of you" I said, sarcastically to which he rolled his eyes.

Here's another chapter, hope you're all having a great Christmas :)

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