Is that..... Meredith Grey?

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Baileys POV
"Incoming trauma from the crash 3 minutes out!" The nurse screamed, as she hung up the phone. I grabbed my trauma gown putting it on and running out the door.
I could hear the sirens as they got closer. I had too prepare myself for what him about to see. If this was from the crash then it was bad.
As the ambulance pulled up the driver got out and said "Jane doe found in the water at the crash."
When he opened the door I saw Derek shepherd doing CPR before I could even say anything he screamed. "She's not Jane doe shes Meredith Grey!" When I looked down I saw my intern on that bed. A bluish pale color and I froze. This can not be happening. I can't have her and her mother in this hospital. "Dr. Bailey!" Derek screamed and it pushed me into action. "Someone page Dr. Webber STAT!" I screamed and grabbed the gurney and started pushing her in a trauma room. I went to shut the door when derek pushed it back open "I need to be in there Miranda." He said with a very sad look on his face. Looking away. Then looking back I said, " The best thing for her is if your not in here to see the things that we must do to save her." He didn't move. Didn't he see he was wasting my time. I need to save her. "Now move!" That got to leave and that's when Webber came in.
"What do we got?" I didn't even have to say anything he looked down and he knew. I saw his eyes well up with tears.
After a few times of CPR I could tell when he said "Again!'' That this was gonna take awhile

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