Post it weddings and runaways?

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Okay I really had to stop on the drowning chapters I know we didn't get the mer and her mother moment but we will just wait.
Derek's POV
This beautiful woman standing in front of me. I'm mean she's beautiful but she's angry. She looks so annoyed and is very very very sexy when she's annoyed. "Face it Derek we just have no time. We're not getting married anytime soon I'm sorry." She says to me. No we're getting married. No matter what it takes. "Get out a piece of paper." I say knowing what we're doing.
"I don't have a piece of paper." She says now a little more annoyed. Not knowing what I'm planning. "I have post its!" She said still just as annoyed. Not to spoil my plans and to keep her from hurting me with her "tiny infectioul fist" as I put it long ago. Smiling at my memory I asked her for a pen. As she handed me the pen I asked her "What do we want to promise each other?" I asked eagerly to find what she had in mind. She turned and looked at me. Smiling that smile I can't seem to get enough of. Then she said something I didn't expect but was eager to promise it was
"Promise to love me even when you hate me." She'd said. Saying it while writing down. "Love each other even when we hate each other. Now what?" I'd asked even more eager than before.
Here I have one. "No running." I say and wrote it down.
I could tell she was really thinking then she smiled. Then I knew. It was good.
"Take care when old senile and smelly." Writing down and knowing the last promise.
"Its forever." I say and this was our vows
Love each other even when we hate each other.
No running.
Take care when old senile and smelly.
Its forever.
Then we signed it and that was that we're married. I couldn't be happier.
Izzies POV
"George?" I said. Is he serious. He doesn't want to do what he just said. He's crazy. I mean I love Alex . I do and we're married. So that's it. That's all. So I'm not doing this.
"Iz? I know its crazy but please for me." He said with sad eyes.
I had to I couldn't say no. I mean I could've but I didn't want to. "Okay fine yes absolutely let me just do something. Okay?" "Okay" I took out a piece of paper and started writing.
Meredith's POV.
I lay there in my bed. Waiting for Cristina to tell her how happy I am. I'm finally married.
Cristina stands kinda sad looking. You know I can wait what wrong with her.
"Cristina are you okay?" I ask she opened her mouth to say something when Alex walked in. His face looked like he was gonna collapse. What is wrong with everybody?
"Alex?" I say worried and scared.
"Alex?" Cristina echo's
"Iz she left me." He said. What? Wait? What? Okay there married and now in confused.
"What'd you mean?" I ask and then he handss me a note.
Dear Alex,
I'm so sorry but I've decided we just don't work. I know we're married, but deep down I'm not over Denny and george he understands. He asked me to runaway with him today. I don't know why maybe because he found out today Callie's bi. But I think I need to. This is the last you'll see of me. You deserve way better than a girl whose to die of cancer. I'm so sorry. Please be happy.
Love iz.
Woah that's deep.
Okay I know george was supposed to die. But happy enedings right? Also I don't like izzie so I made her the bad guy loll. I hope you like

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