CHAPTER I: "Skater girl"

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"Come on, hand it over" You smirked as you heard your friend groan before handing you 300¥.

"How are you so good at this?" He asked. "I'm not that good, you're just really bad." You chuckled before hoping on your skateboard and skating out of the skatepark.

"See you tomorrow Sazuma!"

"Goodbye Y/n-Chan!"

You were now skating your way towards your apartment. Since you live alone, you were thinking about what you might cook for dinner.

'Man, I'mma just make buy some peyoung yakisoba on the way, I'm too lazy to cook' You thought as you sighed before taking out some headphones from your pocket and connecting it to your phone.

With music in your ears, you were peacefully skating when you heard some noise from beside you. Looking towards your left, you noticed a group of boys surrounding something...or someone.

"Come on hot stuff, I know you want this." You heard one of the men say.

Oh, so they were surrounding a girl? You decided to step in, thinking they were about to harass a girl.

And you were damn right because when you got close enough, you were able to see a blonde girl standing in the middle of them.

"Oi~" You called out to them, causing them to look at you. "Leave her alone" You said, looking lazily at them.

(Also, Y/n kinda has the Wakasa look. So she has his lazy eyes all the time.😀)

"Tch. Get outta here girly, it's none of ya business." One of the boys said. Now that you took a good look at them, you noticed that they were all wearing the same white uniform. 'Are they like, a gang or something?'

Whatever, you ran towards the group before delivering a strong kick at one of the men. As he crouched down from the pain. You gave him another kick but this time, you aimed for the balls.

??'s pov

I watched in amazement as the girl infront of me was beating the four boys up. Now that I took a good look at her, I noticed how pretty she was.

Baggy pants, black tank top with big jacket, smooth s/c skin... And she could fight?! Amazing!

I was too busy fangirling over the mysterious girl to notice all the boys had ran away.

"Hey, pretty girl" She said, making me come back to my senses. "You alright?"

"U-uh y-yeah I-I'm o-okay!" I stuttered out. She chuckled. "Come with me, I'll walk you home." She said. Her e/c eyes staring straight into my gold ones. 'Her eyes are so pretty...' I thought.

As we started walking (I mean I was walking and she was skating beside me), I finally gathered enough courage to ask:
"H-hey umm... w-what's your name?"

She turned to me, her lazy e/c eyes staring straight into my soul. She then smiled.

"I'm Y/n L/n but Y/n would be fine."


"What about you, pretty girl?"

"U-uhhh I-I'm E-Emma Sano!"

"Mmm, that name really suits you, Emma"

I love the way she says my name.

"T-thanks! Yours really suits you too!" I managed to say.

"Alright, is your home far away?"

"Not really! We'll be there in about 10 minutes." I suddenly got sad after saying that, realizing that I'll have to leave her when I get home. But, I don't wanna leave her! I wanna stay with her, maybe go on a date at the mall or-

"Emma~ Hello~" I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard her call out to me.


"Are you alright?" She said, slightly tilting her head to the right.

"Y-yeah! I-I'm okay!"

Timeskip cause I'm lazy

(End of My wif- I mean Emma's pov)

"Are you sure It'll be alright?" Emma asked as she started at your bruised hand and face.
"I-I can heal you if you want!"

You were about to refuse but thinking it wasn't that much of a deal, you accepted. "Alright." You said before following her inside the Sano househould.

The house was a traditional Japanese type and, not gonna lie, looked pretty nice.

"Do you live here alone?" You asked.
"No. I live here with my brother and my grandpa. But grandpa said he had to meet a friend of his and Mikey is hanging out with his friend Draken."

You paused for a minute, in deep thought before asking:
"Mikey, like in... Toman's boss?"

"Mhm! You know him?" Emma asked as she opened her bedroom door.

You sat on her bed as she took a first aid kit out of... somewhere.

"I got a friend who's pretty much obsessed with this whole gang shit so I kinda know him. His friend is the vice am I right?"

"Y-yep." Emma felt her cheeks warm up from the way you were sitting. You were manspreading with your elbows on your knees and your face in between your knuckles.
'That's hot.' She thought before gulping and making her way towards you.

She took out a piece of cotton before immerging it with alcohol.

Y/n's pov🛐

I watched as the blonde girl infront of me applied alcohol on my scars. I, of course, being the baddie I was, barely flinched.

Emma was now bandaging my hands before putting a cute hello kitty band-aid on my cheek.

"S-sorry...that's the only bandage I have left..." She apologized.

"I think it's quite cute." I said, causing her cheeks to redden a little. I sighed.

"Well, thank you Emma. I'm gonna head home now."

I grabbed my skateboard before walking out of her room, her following closely from behind. We reached the door and she opened it for me, allowing me to leave.

"If anyone tried to harass you, call me. But I'm gonna need your number for that." I gave her a wink, making her turn red.

After exchanging numbers, I walked away from the blonde girl while waving at her. "Goodbye Emma~!"


I sighed as I closed your door behind you. 'Finally home~'. I immediately made my way towards my room and changed. I was wearing a large iron man shirt with black boxers.

A.N: Y'all I'm literally writing this at the restaurant my mom is right beside me help😭.

I then went to my kitchen and took out some leftover ramen from yesterday and heat it up. When it was ready, I took my plate and went to the living room ready to eat while watching (your choice).

(End of y/n's pov)

Takemichi cried as he left his girlfriend's home. Earlier today, he had met you in school but you had to leave because of an 'emergency'. He still had a hard time believing it, he actually time leaped?

'If I did timeleap, that means I can save Hina and Y/n-Chan!'

Hey there! Sorry if this chapter is bad. Anygays, Aurevoir Mon amor🥰

Bitches out there be on the lookout for captain save-a-hoe, 'cause he's saving hoes😍
Is a- a is a- Should I save her🤔

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