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You stared in between the two siblings as they glared at each other. "..Are you two okay?" "Yeah we're fine, don't worry." Emma responded, turning to smile down at you before grabbing your hand, dragging you away to her room. "Let's go hangout in my room!" You nodded, but then felt Mikey grab your other hand. "I'm sure she wants to stay for a bit to hangout with me." He faked a smile, as if not wanting to show you that he was annoyed. You winced slightly at the harsh grip on both of your wrists, even more confused. "Uh.. we could just all hang-" "NO!"

The two yelled at the same time before Emma chuckled awkwardly. "I-I mean.. you wouldn't want to hangout with Mikey." "True." "So how about we head to my room? We could watch a movie or play some games..." You followed the girl to her room, glancing back at Mikey as you did so. He held a heinous expression, like that of a madman. But as soon as he noticed your eyes on him, he smiled. You shrugged it off, thinking he was just pissed his sister was more likeable than him (which is a fact).

Meanwhile though, Takemichi was thinking. "Maybe I should just tell everything to Y/n-Chan.. so then she would stop hanging around with them..." He mumbled, before shaking his head. There was no way you'd believe him, and you'd surely call him crazy if anything. "No, I can't.. I have to do this on my own." From what he knew now, the festival was coming up, meaning Draken's death was also coming up. All he had to do was avoid you from even going, and saving Draken in the way. So, he pulled out his phone to call you, and you picked up a few minutes later.

"Hellooo?" "Y/n-Chan!" He beamed at the sound of your voice. "The hell do you sound so excited for?" "Well, um..." He hummed, thinking of what to say. "You know the festival's in a few weeks, right..?" "Yes.. I'm planning on going with Emma-Chan." Your answer made him squirm. Dammit! "Please don't go, Y/n-Chan!" He said, not even thinking it through. "Yeah, no. I'm going." The blonde sighed, and wanted to say more but you hung up.
Your hangout with Emma was great. She was nice, and very chill. You guys chatted for hours about the post stupid things imaginable before it got dark. Emma wanted you to stay, maybe sleep over, but you argued that you needed to go, or else Big G and JJ would get worried. You smiled, waving Goodbye at the two as you left the house. Mikey was sitting on the couch and turned to Emma as you left. "I didn't know you were friends like that." He said, and Emma frowned. "Yeah, we are." She answered before going to her room.
A few days later though, you were walking to the grocery store because your petty ass wanted a steak instead of eating the rice you had like a lonzly ass bitch—, when from a distance, you noticed two males walking in the same direction as you. You raised a brow, noticing their jackets. "Black Dragons..." You mumbled, not really caring if they heard you or not. Holy shit, is this their territory? Am I trespassing or something? You thought as they looked at you. "Hey." The blonde said with a straight face, almost a if he was glaring at you. "What're you doing here?" He asked, standing in front of you to avoid you going anywhere. "Just here to buy some food man." You raised your hands as if you were under arrest, with a chuckle. The other boy, with black hair, turned to you as well, with a snarky expression. He smirked. He looks like a manwhore, you thought as he began to speak. "I know you, you're Mikey's girl." Why the fuck does everyone think that?! "First of, ew. I'm absolutely not his girl. Plus I'm like 90% sure he's gay." You answered, with your hands in you pockets. "Doesn't matter. Thing is, you're assimilated with Toman, so either you leave, or you get tortured." "Damm, can't even buy foos no more?" You raised a brow, and the two looked confused at your lack of fear. They watched as you shrugged before walking into the store, not caring about the warning.

"You little-" the blonde began but the raven head cut him off. "Let it go, Inupi." He said, causing Inupi to sigh and walk away hiw friend (we all know they're boyfriends but I'll keep my mouth shut.)

After you were done buying your shit, you began to walk home but someone ran past you. Your eyes widened at Takemichi, and before you could say anything, he dragged you along. "Hey!" You exclaimed, but he didn't stop. "It's important, Y/n-Chan!" He dragged you along to an abandoned warehouse (I have no idea what a warehouse is). There sat Mikey with Draken standing next to him like a bodyguard. Pah-Chin and Peh-Yan were there as well, and turned to the two of you as you entered. "Takemitchy, Hime-Chin.. what are you doing here?" He asked. Before you could answer, Takemichi took a deep breath and spoke. "I know what you said at the meeting..." "You had a meeting without me? Now I feel fucking violated." You cut him off, but he didn't even listen and jeot talking. "But please! This could lead to a bunch of things that I know you don't want to avoid-" he was cut off as Pah-Chin punched him in the stomach, sending him flying a few meters away. "Shut up! There's no other way to resolve this." He said, as Peh-Yan chimed in. "How dare you drag Y/n-San here?! It's dirty and filthy; it's not fit for her!" He said, wanting to do something too but Pah was already kicking Takemichi enough. And no one seemed to do anything to stop him until you grabbed Pah's hand. "Hey, calm down." You said, and he stopped. You helped Takemichi get up and crossed you arms. "Now what the fuck is this all about." "Don't get involved, Y/n. It's dangerous." Draken reprimanded, but you huffed. "It's dangerous for me but you let this fucker in? Yeah right." You said, pointing at Takemichi. "Y'know what, I don't even wanna know what's going on. I'm going home." You said as you walked out, but was greeted by a bunch of tall boys with baseball bats. "Uh, get the fuck out of my way." You said. "Is that how a nice lady should speak?" "Bitch Imma whoop your ass-"

"Get away from them, Y/n." Draken growled, caysing you to turn and look at him. "Why?" He didn't respond to your question, so you just stepped back inside, as the group of men made their way inside. One of them, who seemed to be the leader, smirked. "Osanai!" Pah-Chin barked (woof woof), as he walked in, throwing his cigarette on the ground and stepping on it. Your eyes narrowed as you frowned at the sight. That gut didn't seem like good news.. just what was going on?

Me after not posting for months and popping outta nowhere:

Me after not posting for months and popping outta nowhere:

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