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In the dark streets of Shibuya, Mikey and Draken walked, a dark look on their faces. They haven't seen you for the entire day and their heads were filled with horrible thoughts. What if something happened to you? What if you got harassed? Beat up? Or worse... Killed?

They didn't know why they were so worried about you, since you barely knew each other but... They just did.

'Maybe I should watch her more... Just to make sure nothing happens to her.'

'Where is she? Why is she not here with me? Why do I feel empty when she's gone?'

As they kept walking lost in their thoughts, they heard a familiar voice from not far away.

"You are the dumbest person I've ever met."

Their heads snapped towards where the voice was coming from...

There you are!

A smile appeared on their faces but quickly dissapeared. You were not alone.

Next to you were two other people, two other guys.

"Hah?" Mikey muttered as he recognized the two people next to you. "How the hell do they know her?" Draken asked as he clenched his fist.

You looked at your raven haired friend as he kept bragging about how many people he beat up in his last gang fight.

"You're friggin' cool Baji."

Baji immediately smiled after you said those words, some blush spreading across his face. Y/n just complimented me for beating up people! If I beat up more people, she'll compliment me more!

Chifuyu just stood there, watching the two of you. For some reason, he felt painful as he watched you talk to Baji. He wanted to take Baji's place, maybe if Baji wasn't here, he would be the one making you smile, you would be giving him compliments. You would be laughing at his jokes.

"Y/n-San. U-umm... I-I'm also in the same gang as Baji-San you know?" "You are?" Chifuyu nodded. "I'm actually his vice" You looked at him up and down before grinning. "Well that's good. But... What gang are you two in?"

"Oh we're part of-"

"Hey there Hime-Chin!"

You groaned as you immediately recognized that annoying voice. Turning around, you saw the two blondes, staring at you. "Mikey, Draken, the hell are you two doin' here?"

"We were just walking by." Draken answered boringly. Baji and Chifuyu stood there confused. Hime-Chin? Wait-

"You're the girl Mikey keeps talking about?" Baji asked in shock. "Ha? You guys know each other?"
"Baji and Chifuyu are actually in my gang. But I didn't know you were friends with them, Hime-Chin." Mikey said with a tight smile. For some reason, it pissed him off that you knew Baji and Chifuyu. He didn't know why, but it was like he wanted you for himself.

"We actually met today at the arcade." Chifuyu answered, also feeling pretty pissed that you were friends with Mikey and Draken. Why would you want to be friends with them anyway? They're complete idiotic punks and you were... well... you.

You felt the air getting tense as the boys kept glaring at each other.
"Ooook... I think I'm just gonna go home."
Their head all snapped towards you as you were just standing there like: 🧍‍♀️

"Wait Y/n-San! Me and Baji-San will walk you home! Just to make sure nothing bad happens to you!" Chifuyu said in a worried tone. "It's okay-" "There's no need for you to worry, me and Ken-Chin are gonna walk her home. You guys can leave." Mikey said in a rather angry tone before gently grabbing you right hand and pulling you towards him. But Baji grabbed your right hand and pulled you away from Mikey.
"I think we should be walking her home. I mean, we were already going before you and Draken arrived." Baji growled.

What the hell?

"Oi! Cut it out!" You wiggled your arms out of Mikey and Baji's grip causing them to groan silently. "I can walk home by myself." "But-" "Nothing's gonna happen to me. I can protect myself y'know?"
Draken sighed. "Alright..." "But Ken-Ch- OW!" Mikey groaned as his taller friend smacked him, causing him to stop talking.

"Mhm." You hummed as you immediately began walking away.





"They know her."


"You heard me. And it looks like they're friends."

"Fuck... Listen to me, I want them away from her. I don't care what you have to do, just get rid of them."

"Ok ok damm... Why are you so crazy over her anyways?"

"That's none of your business"

Finally! I finished this chapter! If any of you have ideas, plesa comment them (no really pls comment any of your ideas I'm begging you.) Bye! Love y'all!

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