chapter 6

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-Chapter 6-

"Brother! Why didn't you do anything?" Yuqi was fierce. "Yuqi..." Sehun sighed. "What? You told me you'd do something to call off the marriage?" Yuqi said.

"Oh really? Then why were you staring at him all the time?" Sehun raised his eyebrow. "Staring? Who? I didn't even glance at him!" Yuqi resorted.

"Don't lie. I saw you do that!" Sehun said. "Okay... I was staring at Lucas, not him." Yuqi sighed.

"What?" Sehun was in disbelief. "Yeah but it's a friendly stare nothing else," Yuqi said. "That's a relief," Sehun mumbled even though he didn't know why.

"So? What are you going to do about the marriage?!" Yuqi asked. "I talked to Mom but she has hopes for you." Sehun sighed.

"Is she gone mad? Hope for me?! I'm 20 and he is 34? Seriously? Dude?" Yuqi yelled. "Yuqi we shouldn't talk like that about our Mom," Sehun said.

"Oh shut up brother!  If you were in my place then you'll know what I feel." Yuqi said dramatically. "Okay don't be sad." Sehun took a place beside her and encircled his hands around her. "I will talk to Dad... Hopefully, he may understand?" Sehun said.

"Will you?" Yuqi said with a puppy face. "Yes, idiot." Sehun flicked her head. "Ouch!" Yuqi rubbed her head. "Go to sleep, I will go and talk to him," Sehun said and walked out of the room.


Sejoong was sitting on the sofa. Sehun took a place in front of him. Sejoong was busy with some work. "Dad?" Sehun called out. "Yeah..." Sejoong glanced at him.

"Dad I want to talk to you." Sehun exhaled. "Yes go ahead." Sejoong was busy with his work. "It's about marriage," Sehun said.

"What happened?" Sejoong gave attention to Sehun. "Dad is it really necessary for Yuqi to marry him? I mean Kai?" Sehun asked.

"Ah... Sehun... I understand you're concerned about your sister but look at the situation now. Our company is on the edge of a cliff if we don't do something we will collapse entirely. Jeongin's company is also under a situation at such time if we help each other then only we can succeed." Sejoong said.

"I understand it's a deal but why marriage? Is there not any other option?" Sehun was hopeful.

"Sehun... If the media knows our company is going to collapse then our artists will be in danger and some might leave. Other company uses their artist to cover up such thing but I can't use my artist, right? More or less I can do is have my kids cover up rather than others." Sejoong sighed.

"Dad that's wise of you but she is your daughter! You're making her married to someone who's 14 years older than her?" Sehun said.

"I understand your saying Sehun but this matter can only be big if it's not normal. 14 years gap would be enough for the media to talk shit. Till then our company would at least become middle sized Company. Jeongin company would also be rumor free." Sejoong made him understand.

"And about your marriage... We will look at it after our company becomes stable. But don't let go of the thought of marrying, it took you decades to come to this." Sejoong added.

Sehun nodded, "I won't." he said.

Sehun sighed. He has a point, if we don't do something now everything will collapse. Dad, Mom, their artist, Yuqi's future, everything. Though he doesn't want Yuqi to get into this contract marriage. He can't do anything but he won't let Yuqi do something she doesn't want. He knows what is to marry someone wrong. He can't let that happen to Yuqi. He must talk to Kai to call off the marriage.



-Next week-

Sehun was constantly following Kai but he couldn't get a hold of him. He left his dream job and now he has to work in his Dad's company. Though he was satisfied with his life for five years he lived his dream enough now it's time for reality. What real life is when things don't go his way? When everything is out of control. When you become a mere player of life tied with thread and controlled. These five years were the perfect time of his life, he thinks. Things that happened five years ago were not his fault, but he blames himself for everything. After that, his life changed, and he tend to live alone. Fewer people, less interaction. He even quarantine himself for six months but was dragged out by Baekhyun. Life savior right there. Things happened to him, he doesn't want anything like that happens to anyone.

He walked out of his Dad's company. He was walking down the streets and sighed. Why can't he find Kai after all this? He even visited his company he was not there. Where in the world he is?! He was standing at the bus stop aimlessly, he was just thinking about Kai. He don't know what exactly he was thinking but Kai was all in his head right now.

Suddenly a car stopped by him. The window of the car got down revealing a familiar figure of course. "Sehun? Hey?" the figure said.

"Oh... Chris?" Sehun guessed it. "Yeah... Come on." Chris smiled and gestured for him to sit in the car.

"No no, it's okay..." Sehun hesitated. "Come... Traffic is jamming." Chris pointed behind. "Okay..." Sehun sighed and got in the car.

Chris is an artist in Sejoong's company. He has been an artist since his teenage. He is quite young, around 26. Sehun may not know him well but he knows Sehun as he sometimes used to visit Sejoong. He's very playful but mature at the same time. He is a cheerful person. (fictional character)

"So? Are you going somewhere?" Sehun asked as he noticed Chris's clothes. "Yeah at a club... Hey, wanna join us!" Chris said excitedly.

"Ah? No no." Sehun hesitated. "Yeah come it will be fun." Chris held his hand, while he was still driving. "What I am gonna do there?" Sehun said.

"Party? Maybe?" Chris furrowed. "Come on, you know every artist from our company." Chris shook his hands. "Okay..." Sehun was still unsure.

Why does it have to be today? He was freaking tired, all day working in the office as his Dad went on a business trip, then the rest of the time finding Kai, and now the only night he left going to waste at the party. He has no choice left cause its impossible to deny Chris. Sehun looked at his hand, he tried to take out his hand out of Chris's grip and was successful with it. He sighed and looked at the phone. What? My phone is going to die?! Ugh.

-Chapter 6 end-

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