Chapter 36

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-Chapter 36-


They were waiting in line to get on the cruise. Sehun had a sudden shiver due to the cold. Kai glanced at him, "Who told you to wear sleeveless on a cruise?"

Sehun gave him a look, "Am I asking for your coat? No, right? Then shut up."

Kai shrugged, "Okay, who cares anyway."

After a few minutes of ignoring each other, they got on the cruise. They were amazed. Sehun, "It's like a mini concert here."

Kai was appreciating through his facial expressions, "And there is a whole restaurant."

Sehun looked at everything, "It has everything, the only difference is we are on the water."

Later on, the show started. Even though it was a huge ship, the amount of people was still less as it was expensive shit. There was enough space for people to dance. Both of them were standing at the bar, just listening to live singing and watching people dance. They were having normal soda, as they were in the middle of the sea and didn't wanna risk it.

But it must be destiny. Suddenly, a song, very familiar, started playing. They both smiled, it was their favorite. Kai put down his glass and turned to Sehun who was very happy just by listening.
(Song - Can't help but falling in love)

"Wanna dance?" Kai had to whisper in his ear. Sehun looked at him and smiled. He offered his hand and was taken to the dance stage by his so-called husband. Kai did not do anything as he was confused about the position. Sehun had to take the initiative and held Kai's shoulder and the other hand.

Kai slowly, getting comfortable, put his hand around Sehun's waist. He was still hesitant. Sehun held his hand and placed the rightfully. He leaned in and whispered, "It's okay." They danced very gracefully. Everybody was captivated by their performance.

Later, they came back to the bar and ordered sodas again. "I didn't know you could dance so well!" Sehun took a sip. Kai shrugged, "Well, there's a lot of things you don't know about me."

Sehun nodded, "Then I guess I need to work on that, huh?" Kai smirked, "You can try."

Suddenly a song started playing which had Sehun on his tiptoes, "Oh. My. God. I have to dance on this!!!" He put down the glass.

Kai recognized the song, "You gays can't control yourself when it comes to Taylor Swift, can ya?"

Sehun was all jumpy, "Oh, what straight people know what it's like. I'll get to dance, wanna join me?"

Kai shrugged, "You just tagged me as straight I can't dance now."

Sehun gave him a look, "Well, aren't you one? You also called me gay."

Kai took his last sip, "Who said I am? And you're gay anyway."

Sehun was confused, but before he could brainstorm a simple thing, the song was at its best part so he had to leave it all behind and go into the crowd.

More Taylor Swift was played and people enjoyed it. Sehun while dancing, noticed Kai who was having drinks with women. Not to mention, it was a very friendly talk. Which bothered Sehun. While dancing he made a friend, sort of. That friend in the midst offered him a drink. Sehun looked at Kai and agreed. In one sip, it all went down his mouth.

"Calm down, princess." The friend took away the glass. "I'm David, by the way."

Sehun smiled, "I'm Kai." he knew what he was doing. "That's a good name." David compliments in a flirty manner. (of course)

Sehun went close to him, "Not just the name is good."

They become a little intimate while dancing. They danced for a while, David whispered into his ear, "Wanna do something?"

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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