chapter 7

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-Chapter 7-

Sehun hesitated to go in but Chris dragged him in. He walked like a lost child in that huge ass club. He saw many things. A many. Does the club usually for this? He questioned himself. "There are my friends!" Chris said and dragged Sehun. "Oh Sehun? Hey!" everyone greeted him.

"Hi..." sehun was awkward. He stayed there for a while and saw others getting wasted. "I'll go to the washroom and come." he loudly whispered to Chris as loud music was going on. He went to the washroom and freshened himself. He saw two men standing in the corner and probably checking out Sehun. Sehun exhaled and tried to get out of the room

"Ah... Excuse me?" one of the men called. Sehun just glanced. Those two men walked towards Sehun, and Sehun stepped back. Those two men got closer to him. Sehun bumped into a wall. Those two men weren't backing up. They were buffs tho. Sehun sighed, is this what you really want?

Sehun cracked his neck and rubbed his fist. Those men got way close. Sehun punched one of them while the other was going to punch him but Sehun got aside and the man punch the wall. Both growled in pain. "Now get out of my way!" Sehun rolled his eyes and walked away.

But those two men dragged him back and pushed him to the wall. Sehun resorted and kicked one of them, he was about to kick the other but the man took out his knife. Sehun stopped right there. He panicked a little bit. The man was fierce he was about to stab him for no reason. But suddenly he stopped midway.

He looked back. "Leave." a deep harsh voice. The man panicked, and he threw the knife. The figure who stopped him, grabbed the man by his color and pushed him out of the washroom. Others ran himself when saw him.

"K-kai?" Sehun was in disbelief. "Are you okay?" Kai asked. "Yeah, thank you." Sehun nodded. "Look, I want to talk-" Sehun was interrupted. "Good," Kai said and walked out. "What? Did he just? Hey! I want to talk to you!" Sehun followed him.

But after getting out all he saw was a huge mess of humans. Ugh, where can I find him now? He should've at least listened to me. Thank god Chris took me here.

Sehun wandered the whole club to find Kai. He exactly doesn't know what he is finding. But he just wants to talk to him. He almost walked in the couple making out and things. He sighed, when did clubs change this much? He couldn't find him anywhere. Did he go already?

Suddenly an arm encircled him. "HEY!! Sehun what are you doing here? Come come... Have some shots!" It was Chris getting wasted. "No, it's okay." Sehun denied. "Why you don't drink?" Chris was tipsy. "It's not that just... not in a mood." Sehun gave him a bashful smile. "Come on it's okay..." yet Chris tried to make him drink. This idiot! How will I find kai if I get drunk? Suddenly something caught Sehun's attention. It was a girl. It's normal, I know. But on top of Kai. Now that's something controversial. Not exactly on top of him but doing something.

Sehun put down his shot glass and ran towards the room. Sehun entered the room panting. "What are you doing?" Sehun saw some injections and powders and whatnot. The girl was panicked. "What were you doing to him?!" Sehun pushed the girl and check on Kai. Kai wasn't conscious. "Kai? You there?" Sehun tapped on kai's face. While sehun was checking on him the girl ran away. He checked the injection and packets of powder. "Drugs?"

He struggled to take the unconscious Kai to his house. Of course, he doesn't know where Kai lives. It was midnight, no one was in his house except the sleeping watchman. He took Kai out of the cab carefully. Kai was smiling, giggling, and sniffing, his eyes went red. Sehun sighed and somehow made it to his room. He can't risk and make him sleep in some other room. His Dad might come anytime. Right now Kai beside him will be the safest place.

"Kai? Are you okay now?" He put him on the chair and gave him some water. But Kai resorted to water. "Ay! Drink!" Sehun was already frustrated. Kai obeyed and drank the water. Sehun pulled him and took him to the bathroom. "Kai... You're so heavy." Sehun struggled. He needs to get sober. He made him stand near the basin and tried to take out something from the cabinet down. He was glancing at him multiple times. "Kai! Stay still." Sehun held Kai as he was about to fall. "Get your face here!" he pulled Kai to wash his face. He sprinkles water on his face. He took a towel and wiped his face. "Wait a minute, I'll get some medicine," Sehun said and got a box out. He tried to find some medicine.

He turned to Kai after taking it out. "Ahhh!" Sehun turned back again. "Kai!" he yelled. Kai was peeing, though he covered himself. He kept standing facing opposite him. "Are you done?" Sehun was unsure he even closed his eyes so he won't see it from the mirror. Suddenly Kai back hugged him. "Ah..." Sehun startled. "I am tired." kai mumbled. "Did you wash your hands?" Sehun realized something. "Ugh wash your hands first." Sehun turned around and made him wash his hand. "Why it has to be me?" Sehun whined. "Because I chose you." Kai mumbled and closed up the distance. Sehun didn't know what to feel, he just kept staring at Kai. "You... You are so..." Kai mumbled but it wasn't clear to Sehun. "You just shut up!" Sehun said and pushed Kai a little.

He took him out of the washroom. "Where we will sleep? I mean how?" Sehun cleared his throat. "I don't so think you will fit in that chair?" Sehun was talking to someone unconscious. "I will let you sleep on the bed. Wait where will I sleep?" Sehun sighed. "Let's do this, we will both sleep on the bed. I can't sleep anywhere besides the bed." Sehun asked Kai. He sighed he knew he won't get any answer.


-Chapter 3 end-

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