Chapter 32

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-Chapter 32-


It was almost evening. Sehun was working his ass off and Linda was also helping him. Linda was mostly just sitting beside him, as Sehun was doing everything on his own.

"I guess, you don't need me anymore?" Linda asked.

Sehun looked at her confusedly, "What...?"

Linda sighed, "Now, you don't ask those annoying questions. Seems like you have the experience now. You haven't asked anything since morning other than coffee."

Sehun went back to work while chuckling at her childish behavior, "Not to brag. But my husband is Mr. Kim Kai, CEO of the most successful company. All we talk about is business. So, I picked it up from his talks. But that doesn't mean I don't need you."

Linda smiled, "Seems like you two are getting quite along?"

Sehun ignored her and just went to work. With a soft smile.

While they were working.

Suddenly the phone buzzed. Sehun looked for the phone under the piles of papers. He finally found it. He looked at the contact name, it was Kai. A soft smile appeared on his face as he picked it up. "Yes?"

While Linda was blushing on her own. Sehun noticed, and he immediately gestured for her to go out of the office. Linda whined but 'no' was not taken as the answer. As slowly as possible she left the office.

Kai sounded calm even though he was not, "Am I disturbing you?"

Sehun looked at the piles of paper and files, "Nope, not at all."

Kai sighed, "Great. Get ready, we gotta go."

Sehun started to pick up all the papers on his table, "What? Where?"

Kai, "Home."

Sehun stopped and sighed, "Home? Don't you think it's too early? And yes, I'm busy working because it's still working hours!"

Kai, "Well, we have guests visiting."

Sehun sat back in his chair, "Who?"

Kai cleared his throat, "For now, just be ready!"

Sehun was stubborn, "No, tell me!"

"Get ready, I'm on the way to pick you up. Alright, bye!" Kai hung the call.

Sehun was stuck with words in his mouth, "Did he hang up just like that?!" Putting aside everything, he wrapped up and called Linda for help. In twenty minutes, everything was cleaned up. All he had to do was suit up. He picked up and started to go out, "I'll go down. It'll save Kai's trip."

Just as he opened the door, he bumped into Kai. Losing his balance,  he almost fell backward but Kai was quick to catch him. Sehun's heartbeat went high. He breathed slowly as his eyes were closed tightly, being scared of falling. He opened his eyes, just to get lost in someone else's. Kai looked at him from top to bottom, "Are you okay?"

Sehun nodded rapidly. There's no way anyone could delay answering that face. Their attention was finally diverted when they heard some click shots. In sync, they both turned their head to her. "It's crushing my heart!!!"

Sehun rolled his eyes, "Well, then don't!"

Kai straightened up and held Sehun in a better way, as he posed for the camera. Sehun being confused, looked at him, "Are you seriously doing this right now?!"

Kai let him go, "Well, she is shoving the camera in our face. At least, I could look good, I mean, we. Who knows if she will post these?"

Sehun gave her a death stare, "She won't!"

Kai looked at her, "You heard?"

Linda nodded while she was going crazy inside. Kai realized, "Oh shoot! Let's go, we will get late!!!" As he held Sehun's hand in a hurry and yanked him out of there. Sehun, trying to keep up with the speed as he was pulled down, "Can you at least slow down?"

Sehun was finally let go when they reached the car. Not to mention they turned tons of heads on the way here. Kai unlocked the car. "Get in."

But Sehun did not move a bit. "No, not unless I get the answer. Who is coming?"

Kai sighed, as he was about to get in, "Okay, Lay and his husband are coming. Now, get in." He got in, as he said.

Sehun was in complete bafflement. "What now...?" He quickly got in the car. "What?! Why?!!!" As he got in.

Kai sighed, "He is leaving the country today, I guess. So, he is coming to visit Mark."

Sehun sighed in annoyance. Kai looked  at him while driving,  "What's wrong?"

Sehun rolled his eyes, "Nothing. I hurried for nothing."

Kai was confused, "What do you mean?"

Sehun looked out of the window and saw the plane in the sky between beautiful clouds. It kind of lifted his mood. While he was busy adoring Sky, he could hear Kai talking to his manager on the phone about work. "Well, I pay you for a reason. So, get it done. That's your work to convince them. I want it signed." Kai sounded much more rude than usual.

After he hung up, Sehun asked, "Why were you so rude to him? Did something happen?"

Kai was confused, "That was rude? I usually talk like this."

Sehun was astonished, "You can't be serious!"

Kai put the brakes on the car, "We are here."

Sehun got out, "Are they already  here?"

Kai parked his car, "No. That's why we came early."

Sehun was confused, "Why?" As they walked towards the house.

Kai sighed, "I don't know. Just like that."

Sehun didn't give it much attention and walked in first. But as soon as they entered,  they saw two people sitting on the Sofa. He waited for Kai to come. He elbowed Kai to look in that direction. Kai noticed and sighed. He offered his hand to Sehun. Which the latter took gladly.

"Brother!" Kai announced his presence. Lay and Luhan turned to them. "Newlyweds are here!"

Kai and Sehun smiled. Lay and Kai went for the handshake while Sehun and Luhan hugged each other. "You came early?" Lay asked.

Kai cleared his throat, "Yeah... So, did you meet Mark?"

Lay sighed, "Nah, he's still sleeping. Kate is also sleeping."

Kai smiled, "Okay. So, how was your trip around the country?"

Lay and Luhan looked at each other and smiled, "It was great. Visiting after a long time. We had a nice time."

Sehun smiled, "Great."

Lay smiled, "We were leaving. As we heard, Mark had a minor accident we came to visit. Then we thought we should stay a day or two and then go."

Kai smiled but something was different about it. Sehun had been observing him since they entered the house. Sehun suddenly said, "Oh, how nice! But there's a little problem."

"What happened?" Lay asked.

Sehun smiled, "We are going on a trip today!" He held Kai's hand.

Lay asked, "Trip?!" As he was quite a bit suprised.


-Chapter 32 ends-


-Thanks for reading! Love Y'all!-

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