Chapter 20

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-Chapter 20-


Suddenly there was a knock on the door and there stood Kai, "Our dads are calling us."

Sehun nodded and followed Kai shortly after one quick pep talk from Baek while Kai was waiting outside. Sehun headed out, "Oh, you were waiting."

As they were going downstairs, Kai stopped. He turned towards Sehun, "I think we should talk."

Sehun nodded and the next thing he knew he was dragged into some room.

"Where-Oh wow! So... Beautiful." he wandered as he saw beautiful paintings in the room.

"Yeah, it used to be an art gallery or something. But that is not what I wanted to show." Kai nodded.

Sehun turned to him and listened to him with all ears, "Oh, yes. What do you wanna say?"

"Well, you see, how this situation has turned out. I know it's a lot of mess and my apologies on behalf of my younger brother. I can assure you, nothing bad will happen with Yuqi. You can trust me on that." Kai was convincing enough to make Sehun feel at ease.

Sehun nodded and waited for Kai to continue. Kai cleared his throat, "After we go down now, we have to give our answers. I just want to make sure we're on the same page."

Sehun nodded, "Well, it's obvious. I can't... I can't marry you."

Kai sighed, "I know. But then we'd have to sacrifice a lot in return. I mean, you've got to save the whole company, and I've got to save my Dad's reputation. Anyway, the deal remains the same."

Sehun started to think about it. The sacrifice they'd have to make. It could cost lives. He did want to save his family and the company. "Yeah, I mean, I do have things to take care of. But marrying you? I don't think so, Mr. Kai."

Kai exhaled heavily out of exhaustion, "I don't get it. What's the problem? I mean, you were okay with me and your sister getting married for the sake of the deal, but now that you're the one in that position you don't want to."

Sehun again fell in thoughts. I mean, he was ready to let his sister marry Kai even though knowing the huge age difference. "I need time to think. Give me a few minutes." Sehun said and went to the other end of the room. While Kai leaned on the wall while looking out of the window, he took out a cigarette and thought about having one but stopped as he realized Sehun might not like it.

It was quite a long few minutes, and out of frustration, Kai walked towards Sehun who was freaking out. "Hello, Mr. Oh. I hope you can speed up your walking so that you can reach your destination."

Sehun stopped at once, "I mean, look at us. The polar opposite, we can't even be friends, not without ripping each other out. Keep alone the marriage."

Kai sighed, "Well, we've been friends till now and are still alive, no?"

Sehun was again frustrated, "This is so.... Ah!" he yelled.

"Mr. Oh, you asked me for a few minutes to think. I guess it's been more than that. So I'm gonna ask you for the last time" He held Sehun by the elbow and pulled him, "Will you marry me?"

Sehun was starstruck, what the hell just happened, just by staring into those eyes his heart was about to explode, and he could feel it. It was irresistible, he couldn't even help himself to speak. But this moment of magic ended as soon as Kai shook his arm, "I'm asking you, are you gonna marry me?"

"Yes, I will." All Sehun could utter. "Okay? But just for the sake of the fucking deal."

Kai exhaled, "Cool. Let's go. They're waiting."

"Yeah, sure!" Sehun scooted out fast, followed by a man with red ears.

Everybody was gathered downstairs. Jeongin walked up to his son and slightly patted him, "I hope you made the right decision after what we talked about."

Kai looked at Sehun, he clenched his teeth and gave a nod to his dad, "You may not worry."

Sejoong came forward to start the talk, "So, given the circumstances, we had to improvise with the deal. The only way to prove that the video is fake is by actually proving it wrong. As has been discussed, the wedding will take place for sure, but this time it'll be between our sons."

Jeongin agreed as he came forward, "I hope our sons have made up their minds to go through it."

Kai and Sehun shared a glance at each other before Kai came forward, "Yes, we agree with the deal. We... will get married as per the deal."

Everybody smiled and was satisfied with the final call. Kai spoke again, "But, it's a marriage, not a joke. We need to prepare for it as per what requires. Even though the media doesn't have any idea, the leakers do. So even though we can't get married today, we have to do it by tomorrow, or we won't have enough time to save the leak. Anyway, it has been a long day with all the stuff with my brother and Miss Yuqi, I guess we all deserve a rest."

Everybody agreed with the decision, and preparation for tomorrow's new wedding was in process. Kai looked at Sehun and then left the crowd. He went back to his dressing room for some air. He locked the door and relaxed on the chair while he recalled the talk he and his dad had before talking to Sehun.


"Dad, we all know this is a very very bad idea! So, why are you agreeing on this?" Kai asked in frustration.

"Son, we have to do this! For our reputation, you understand? If we don't help out Mr. Oh, all my money will drown and with that, it'll take my reputation. Our company's reputation. Is that what you want?" Jeongin stated his reasons.

"Dad, I don't understand your philosophy. You threw out Lay Brother because he wanted to marry a man! You said it'll ruin our reputation and till now Lay hasn't even gone public and never returned it's been three years! Now that the circumstances have changed you're all supportive of gay relationships? Well, surprise, you even cast out your straight daughter too". Kai was getting angry.

"Look, son. I know how you swing sometimes and still, I haven't told you anything because you never caused any harm to the company. But it's your scandal that brought the harm so you have to deal with it! Like the old times." Jeongin smiled.

Jeongin added, "I didn't cast out your sister. She went away with that thug-like boy."

Kai smirked, "Well, you have never called till now. What makes you think, she wants to come back after that?"

Jeongin smiled, "Come on, Kai. Obviously, she went on her own not coming back afterward, calling her back would be useless."

Kai clenched his teeth, "Sometimes I wonder, Dad. Did you ever love my mother or was it just you and your company?"

"Kai, Kai... When will you grow up? It's been ten years, let it go. There are more important things to do right now! Now that you have no choice you gotta do what I tell you, so you better go and make sure you both get married. Understand?" Jeongin said while facing down the window with a wine glass in his hand.

Kai's grip on the chair got stronger and stronger until a phone call came. His Dad picked up the call and looked at Kai. After hanging up, "I hired some personal detective for the leak. They said they found the leaker."

Kai stood firmly, "Who is it?"

Jeongin sighed, "It's some kenedians something but we couldn't find any real id.

Kai clenched his teeth and took a deep breath, "Great, I mean still a good lead. I will get going."

Kai walked out of the room and took out his phone while he called someone, "Meet me tonight." and hung up.


Kai exhaled out of frustration, "Its sure has been a long day..." Not soon he dozed off



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