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So basically in this story, you will be a 'Reader Instert' and you will be with Mk and Redson basically

Mk x Fem! Reader x Redson and yea, now let's talk about yourself first!
I think you know the drill!

Relationship- (none) Mei's cousin
Y/O(your old age/age)
Y/n L/n (Your name , last name)
F/2/c  (if you have)
h/c(hair color)
F/e/c(Eye color/fav.eye color)

You have a cute hair flower clip on you so yea which is pinkish color :), but if you don't want it or like the style you can change it ofc!

Now for my oc's


Status- Fire Demon.
Relationship-(none) Redson's little sister
Age- 113
Human age- 13

Appearances describe/description

A fire demon with 3 forms
A fire demon with no powers except regeneration and speed, lily has a blue butterfly🦋 hearted shape belt with a 2 belt with circles that were lined in half, she also has a blue pearl shaped hair tie with a 4 stringed string on the hair tie and a webbed heart crown protecting the blue pearled hair tie from breaking.


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Lily was born with out any powers but her mother(Princess Iron Fan) and father(Demon Bull King)tried their hardest to give her powers but only resulting to speed and regeneration, so they decided to gift lily 2 belts and 2 hair tie with magic in them to protect their sweet little girl but the 2 belts actually belonged to her brother, he invented them for his sister since he wanted her to he safe and powerful like him in the future. And the 2 hair ties were gifts from, Her parents, she had blue ocean like hues she also wears a outfit that's black with her belts one and her hair tied up with her black boots with a edge line of blue as a tip as lily was young her older brother Redson was very over protective of her and husband younger brother xaiver he would protect her and him from any harm, and lily and xaiver did the same when ever one of them is endangered they would teleport to protect each other.(even though xaiver did give anything to lily, he gave her one of his feathers so that she can fly whenever she pleased to!)

Likes and dislikes

Xaiver(Hey youngest brother)
Redson(her brother)
Her Mom(PIF)
Her Dad(DBK)
being beautiful
Being powerful
Kind people
Loyal people
Honest people

༺ღ༒ Her Older Sister ༒ღ༻ (Mk x Fem! Reader x Redson) Where stories live. Discover now