! Weather Station! Pt. 1

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YOOO WASSAP MOTHAFOCKAS it's me I'm back so yea I'm updating this shit again so yeee enjoyyyyyyyy

(Note:  BTW this in THIS time u, mk and reds on aren't dating so yea! Keep that in mind!)

You were on the weather Station relaxing but u didn't notice a familiar red headed boy walking and staring at u for a bit while 'Huh.. She's here. Well..' as he continues to walk and the people did even acknowledge of him as redson went to the tlweather stations top floor where the control room was for the weather.

Your Pov(Biy-)

"Ahhh it's is relaxing!~" 'kid. U didn't see red boi at all???' "Huh? Redson?? Where?" as u looked around to find him, u shrugged and went back to relaxing and reading some online wattpad storys- "Oooh a 'Redson x Fem! Reader x Mk' sounds interesting-" (ME : AREN'T U IN ONE- C: SHUSH CREATOR. U KEEP ON BREAKING THE 4TH WALL!) "Meh"

Back with Redson being Redson taking control of the whole weather station "Ain't no way-" 'Told ya-' "SHUSH CERIS." U said to the demon stuck in your head as we ran to find mk

(YEA this will be all for now! Sorry I'm really busy :-:)

My new look with my best friend/little brother figure charlseeee(it's his art)

This me in papar lmao it still Charlse art lmaoo

My art with ma bf(boyfrienddddd)(it ain't technoblade OK. This ain't technoblade. Rest In Peace Blood God.)

My boyfriend's origin-/j

༺ღ༒ Her Older Sister ༒ღ༻ (Mk x Fem! Reader x Redson) Where stories live. Discover now