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"New character/s unlocked"

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"New character/s unlocked"

H/a(human age):21

"A necromancer with ender like powers."
Rivals with macaque
Has a huge crush on ceris
Hates Monkey King
Envy's bella(a character coming soo hahah)
Loves LBD as a child (ofc)
Hates other demons (except ceris and her sister)


-book(magics book)
-solar eclipse

-Blue moon knives

Lance actually gave ceris the black flower hair pin since lance loves black and blue and lance knee ceris didnt like any color aside black soo and ceris in return gave him a crescent moon pin with detailed leaves of mint smell and blue ribbons for extra details.

(Soo yea time to get on the story so this is no longer in the episodes like the description of the book days but I'll try to out some if the episode (I'LL TRY.) but yea anyways enjoy lol)

3rd pov.

"🤔ᴴᴹᴹ" "y/n?" "Yes??" "Are you ok love?, you don't seem ok... You have been spacing out for the past 7 minutes." "Let her be redson. " monkey King said putting a hand on yours and reasons shoulder "Hmm monkey King I have some questions, but I wanna talk about it privately." You said and redson decided to leave ya both to find mk "Aight kid want is it?" Monkey King said with a smile but deep down that smile he had was a scared expression, he was scared on what you were going to ask him.. That one question he fears the most.

"Do... Do you know a demon named ceris?" And with that monkey kings smile went to a whole frown. His worst fear of this question came to life. (Literally) "we-well-" "Don't lie, monkey king." "... ok fine!, I do know." As he sighs "sit tight kid. I'm going to tell you about us and her."

Flash back~~

Thousands of years ago....

"Hey~~~" moment king said with his dark brown hair locks flipping /swaying in the wind , as the cocky monkey smirked at the purple haired demon who gave the monkey a annoying look, which the monkey frowned "Awww peaches..." "Look at me please??~" as ceris sighed at looked at him with a 'what did you want? ' expression

"Sooo... Ummmm I may or may not have a confession to make.." The monkey said with a slight blush on his cheeks "Go on." Ceris said "Ok soo.. Un... I- ILOVEDYIUSINCETHRVERYDAYWEHAVEMETANDIWANNALETYOUKNIWTYATILOVEYOUANDDOYIULIVEMEBAVK!!! " Ceris was just loading till she understood on what he meant "I- I like you too you damn monkey." As the tan monkey exploded with joy his tail non stop Waggiling he wrapped his arms around ceris and hugged her, but in reality he only did that do other male creatures would smell his scent oh her.

༺ღ༒ Her Older Sister ༒ღ༻ (Mk x Fem! Reader x Redson) Where stories live. Discover now