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Lucy is almost 13, after her mother's death she was forced to go live with her only close relative, her grandfather. With this turn of events  she is now living on a small island close to the Italian shore.


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She's 13 and a native at the ischia Island.  She does triathlon, and is known as little miss perfect.

  She does triathlon, and is known as little miss perfect

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He's 13 and a native of the ischia island. He comes from a long line of fisherman's. He is the intitled class clow.

 He is the intitled class clow

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He is almost 13. He is a native from the island, plays basketball. He his the heartbreaker popular guy of the class.

 He his the heartbreaker popular guy of the class

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Monica is 13 and a native.  She's best friends with Isabela. Together they know everything about everyone.
She's know as the know-it-all of the class

She's know as the know-it-all of the class

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She's 13 and natural from the island. She loves basketball and is best friends with Monica they know everything about anyone.  She's known as the nice person that everyone loves

I don't own the character aside from the ones I created, there will be more characters that already exist on the universe but these are the main

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I don't own the character aside from the ones I created, there will be more characters that already exist on the universe but these are the main.

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