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when i got inside my nonno was waiting by the tv. he was watching something called macgyver, whatever that is. i closed the door and he finally realises i'm home.

- Hi nonno- i say waving to him across the room

- Hey sweetheart, how was your nigth? And who's jacket that is?- he asks me while i walk closer to him

- the nigth was great, i really felt like i belonged. maybe goin to school with them isn't so bad- i tell him

- thats good, honey, i knew you would like it. but you haven't answered my second question.- he says to me. i give him a confused look

-what question?

- the jacket- he points to it

-oohh... it's pietros in the way home it was pretty chilly so he lended it to me- i tell him while playing with the fabric of my dress

- if he lended it why didn't you gave it back?- he inquires me

- i dunno. must have sliped our minds. but it doesn't matter now, i'm gonna go upstairs and take a bath and then bed, soo byeeee- i run upstairs

its only when i get to the top, and look through the mirror in the hallway that i realise how big his jacket looks on me. i'm about 5 foot (153 cm), and never thought of myself has small but in that jacket it didnt seem that way. Anyways i wen to my room got my clothes and took a quick shower, in the end of the day i had school tomorow. 

When i was done, i got in bed and called maya, she pickup so we started talking

maya- hey girll how are you? how was your day? with pietroo- she questions me

lucy- i'm great how are you? my day was amazing...

m-ooohhh tell me more


i told her everything, we were laughing and almost screaming the whole time, it was so much fun just like when i was in london.

i look to the clock and realize its pretty late so we say our goodbyes and hang up the phone. i put it charging and go to bed.


PI PI PI its the sound that i wake up to. its currently 6:30 AM, today i got up extra early to get everything ready. i took a quick bath, did some ligth make up. ( some concealer for the under eyes, a little mascara and some lip gloss), and got dressed. today i chose a white t-shirt, with little pink hearts and some baggy blue jeans.

i got down i started doing breakfast, for me i did an advocado toast with a little salt, and for nonno i did some srambled eggs on toast and orange juice.

when me and nonno had finished eating we cleaned the kitchen and then he left the house since it was already 7:30 AM. As i still had about thirty minutes util i had to meet pietro, i decided to do a little workout, like the one i did has a warm up to my gymnastics team back in england, but it migth have not been sucha good idea, 'cause now at 7:50 AM i have to take a bath and be ready in 10 min.

But it all worked, i was out the door at 7:59 AM, fresh and ready for the new day. Pietro wasn't there yet, so i waited a little longer, until 10 min had passed and he was nowhere to be seen. so i decided to go, or else i would be late to my first day of school. On the way there, i got lost a few times, and had to ask for directions, but i got there on time. 

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