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I wake up to the sound of birds, and the smell of pancakes, i adore this smell it reminds me of home and brings so much comfort. Instead of keeping my nonno waiting i got up, got dress and rushed downstairs. 

- Buongiorno nonno.- i said (good morning granpa)

- boungiorno lucy- he said while he signed me to go meet him- like pancakes?

- yess, it's my favourite food in the whole world.

- thats good then, why don't you go set the table?

- sure thing nonno.- i said 

- the pancakes are done- nonno said while we sat around the table. he served himself two and let me take as many as i wanted, for the record i only ate two.- so lucy, i have a little present for you...

- oh nonno i don't need anything seriously I'm just glad i'm here. - i said honestly- its already a big effort having me here.

- oh c'mon lucy ou don't really believe that do you? i've always wanted you here. especially since your gradma passed last year. 

- Really? i, without offence , thougth you wouldn't like me, with my mother running away and stuff, and i was also told very often that i look just like her, so i thougth it migth triger some sort of resentment or sadness having me here.

- Resentment? Lucy - he sighted- i would never see you as one of your mothers errors, and yes, you do look just like her, but you guys are different and i know it.- i took another mouthfull of pancakes and asked

- so nonno, whats the surprise?- i seem to have woken him up from his thougths

- ah, yes the surprise... it is outside.

-outside?? - i asked

- yes outside- he replied 

nonno started walking towards the door and i followed him. as he openned the door i saw something very familiar.

- thats, thats my mothers bike!- i gasped i've always wanted to see and ride that bike irl

- exacly it nedded some fixing here and ther- i interrupted him

- it's perfect thanks nonno

- it's perfect thanks nonno

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nonno looks at his clock and then looks at me.

- do you need to go?- i asked

- si but i didnt want to leave you alone.

- don't worry nonno i'm sure that boy is almost here, and even if he isn't i have a kitchen to clean.

he looked at me as i mouthed to him« go», so he went back in side got his things and left. i waved him goodbye. 

Then i went back inside and started tidying the kitchen, i was washing some plates, when suddently i hear the doorbell. As i went to open the door i saw a boy who i assumed was pietro, he was way taller than me, had hipnotizing blue eyes, and ligth brown hair, he seemed nice, at least he had a pretty smile.

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