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we start walking towards the beach where the hangout will happen. as we are walking i turn to him and say

- Pietro?- i say looking ahead and not to him, altougth i can feel him watching me from above, since he is taller than me

- What?- he asks

- Uh,... i migth have told the girls that the reason i came here is because both of my parents were travelling and i needed a place to stay- i whisper looking down

- What did you tell the girls?- he asks trying to understand

- I told the girls that the reason i came here is because both of my parents were travelling and i needed a place to stay- now a bit louder

- Why would you lie?

- i lied so i could start my new life here without everyone's pitty- i tell him- and i hoped you could back that story up, please- i beged him

- dont worry i'll- says pietro

suddenly a cold breze brushes on us and i shiver. thats when i realized i had forgot my jacket. i just hope pietro doesn't notice it.

when we got to the beach, what i saw was beautiful, there was a bonfire with some chairs around it. there were fairy ligths hanging, a voleibol net and a table full of snacks and drinks.

 there were already some people there so pietro took me up to them and introduced me, in those few minutes i met silverio, a tall, unatelethic, brunette guy, i met Michelle a short, unatelethic, brunette guy and a few more

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 there were already some people there so pietro took me up to them and introduced me, in those few minutes i met silverio, a tall, unatelethic, brunette guy, i met Michelle a short, unatelethic, brunette guy and a few more.

 then i hear livia's voice that comes to meet me with a hug.

-Ciao livia, you look stunning- i tell her smiling

- Ciao lu, thank you, so do you- she says

- well but thats only thanks to you, isa and mon- i tell her while doing a little curtsie as a thank you

meanwhile our conversation the rest of the class arrived and this time it was up to livia to introduce me.

i met danielle a super sweet guy, mirko that was more on a shy espectro, arianna, who i by then knew that she tought of her self as queen bee, and her minions, lucia, we had the same name but were so different and mia, i did not get to know her very well.

then i here pietro calling me, i turn around to see him with his arm on top of a boys shoulder. i walk up to them and we start talking

- Let me guess.. you are Giulio rigth?- i say conidently

-Yes have you her of me?- he asks full of himself

- Actually no, sorry, but has your friend here says i know lots of things- i let out a little laugh

- She got you bro, you'll always be sayin things like that- pietro is looking down like he is sad, and i almost feell bad for him 

-i'm sorry pietro- i say aprehensively while getting closer to him and putting a hand on his shoulder, did i really offended him?- i didn- im cut off by a tickle attack, i cant stop laughing - pietro stop- another laugh- please, im sorry okay- he then finally stop, my stomach hurts from the laughing and my breathing is heavy- thank you

the rest of the nigth went trough in a jiff, we had so much fun. we ate, we drank, we played voleyboll. i chatted with almost everyone and these people i barely knew started to feel like friends.

when it was about 9 P.M. we all started to go home. Pietro walked along side me. the way back from the beach seemed now so far away and with the sun down i was freezing. thankfully pietro noticed 

-there- he says while handing me his jacket

- oh no i couldn't- he was talking to me in english cause he knew i was more confortable that way- you will be cold if you give the jacket, and i'm sure we are almost home so there is no need

- Almost home? we still have left like 15 minutes. and besides i'm not even using it- he tells me while shrugging his shoulders.his jacket was like a varsity sports team jacket. it was blue and had a little basketball drawn on it. it smelled like the sea and summer brease, and also soap, it was a very deligthfull combination. - take it- he says while locking his gazing blue ocean eyes in mine

- thanks pie - i thank him also looking at him, then i sligthly gaze to his lips and then back to his eyes. he takes a step closer to me and butterflies just implode in my belly, i see him leaning closer so i do the same, was this going to be it my first kiss? everything was going perfect until i heard a sound behind us and turned around checking what it was and also ruining the moment. to try and make it less wierd i ask:

- sooo You like basketball?

- Yeah- he says looking at the stars- do you?- back at my eyes 

- i uh- i stutter- yes i do- i scoff a little- oh look we're home- i say surprised- i guess this is it for today uh?- god i am being so awkard? i think to my self

- uh yeah i guess so- he sounds somewhat desapointed- will we meet here at 8 A.M for school?

- Sure i would love that- he starts to walk away when i remember- pietro?

- uh?- he answers

- the jacket!- i say

- keep it- he tells me filling my stomach with butterflies. he walks inside, and that was it for our nigth.


sorry for the short chapter i didnt have many ideas but wanted to post this chapter so i can start rewatching the series as i write and in time to see season two.

once again hope you all enjoy it and thank you guys for reading

im so sorry for taking so long to update i recently went on a school trip without the computer, and my classes are also starting soon so i wont be able to post as much. althoug i'll try atleast once or twice a weak.

 thank u for reading

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