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We got our bikes and continued riding and seeing everything around the island, he showed me the main hangout cafe, the best beaches, the best way to get to each place and finally where the school was.

their school, was called the gallileu gallilei school of marina picola. At least from the outside was pretty.

after that we went to that same cafe he presented before to have a little snack

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after that we went to that same cafe he presented before to have a little snack. we went to the front balcony and started ordering

-good afternoon i'll have a donut with red fruits and she'll have...- pietro started ordering

- do you have any pastry without milk?- i asked, to what the cachier responded- rigth now i don't but we have savoury options

-i dont want anything savoury but thank you. do you have any smothies?

- we do actually. we have strawberry, banana and orange mango.

- i would like the ....- I point to the strawberry one- this one please.- i said when suddenly i hear pietro chuckling beside me so i ask- what?

- nothing its just funny how your voice changed to a much higher tone- he said looking at me

- well that happens when i talk with someone older, and that i dont know- I say a bit embarrassed

- I'm older and you didn't know me why wasn't your voice that cute?- he asks
- are you sure you're older?
- yes, my birthday is September 3rd wich makes it sooner than yours making me older.- he says proud of himself
- And how do you know my birthday? - I reply confused
- I know lots of things- he says smiling

-Here is your order- the cashier says- it will be 3,69€

As soon as she says the total I grab my wallet, just to open it and realized I hadn't exchanged the money from pounds to euros. I look at him only to find him staring with a face of enjoyment

- uhm pietro- I start by saying
- it's payed dont worry- I smile at him
-Thank you, when I get home I'll pay you back, ok?
-Lu don't even stress it
-Ok, but I'll pay it back tho

He rolled his eyes, picked his donut up and walked to a table, as I did the same.
We sat down at the table and started doing some small talk. Everything was going great until two girls walked up to the table.

- Oi pietro quei es si ragazza?- the taller one asked. She had sweet brown eyes and olive skin, curly thick hair, also brown, she wore a high ponytail giving her a sporty look.

-ciao Isa- he said looking at the one who as just spoke- monica- he said with a small head tilt- si " ragazza" es la nuova studentessa di nostra classe

- Hi guys im lucy- I say giving a small wave

- Tu non parla le italiano? - asked Monica. She had some curious blue eyes that just fitted with her warm smile. She wore her black hair down that completed the serious look she had on

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