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he then took my hand and led the way to a room. It had white walls and a bunch of posters hanging in them. In the corner of the room there was a bed, the bed linen was all in cream but it also had some details in red and blue. the carpet was red and had a blue bean bag. there were some clothes on a chair besides the bed. the room also had a little working table, that clearly hadn't been put to used in some time.

once we reached the room he closed the door and hug me as an endless stream of tears fell out of my eyes. I then, suddenly, feel a hand caressing my hair, and hear his sweet voice saying:

-Shhh, its alrigth, your alrigth. - he pauses, pulls me away and i look him in the eyes- your safe, i'm here, ok?- i begin to stare at the floor again, so he takes my chin and makes me look him in the eyes- Lu? did you hear me ? i'm here , you're ok- he started wipping away my tears, as i began to calm down- see? everything is alrigth

- thanks pietro- i mumbled

- you're welcome principesa- he answers with a smile- now, lets get you home shall we? unless you wanna go out again- he added

- go out?! looking like this?- i point to my face- i'm all puffy

- ya you're rigth, so shall we go?- he says while heading to the door

- why do you say that so much- i question him

- Say what?- he ask genuinely

- «shall», you are always saying shall- i answer him

-i don't know, its a funny word- he lets out a sligth sigh

- ok... but the answer is yes we shall take me home- i mock him- let me just go say goodbye to your mom

-what? why? she was rude to you,- i interrupt him

- firstly i still have manners, she made me lunch and was very nice to me the whole meal. secondly she was only like that because she is hurting, in the end she just found out her bestfriend is dead and she didn't got to say goodbye. imagine how you would feel if it was giulio- i tell him

- I mean yes it makes sense but- the realisation hits- how do you know who is giulio? - he puzzles me

- oh " i know lots of things"- i say while i mimic his voice, i am retributed by a smirking pietro

- shut up- he tells me pretending to be annoyed- lets go-he says while getting out of the room.

as i get out i start analizing where i was. it seemed like and hallway and it was full of pictures especially of pietro, baby pietro. he was so cute. as we walked down the hallway there were less pictures of pietro and more of his parents. near the end of the hallway i stoped cause what i saw really surprised me. 

i hear pietro calling my name but i can't move, im just standing there staring at a picture.

- Lucy, whats going on why did you stop?- pietro inquires me, and i just point at he photo

- Pietro, i'm in this picture, and so are you, your mom and my mom- i whisper this last part- we have met before, the one and only time i came here aside from now.

- Wait?! thats you? why did i never knew?- he gives me a confused look

- Do you think I know?? I garantee you i don't.- i shake my head- I should go, im just gonna say goodbye to your mom and will leave. - i start walking again- at what time is the hangout? and where?

- Don't worry abou the hangout, just meet me outside at 6 p.m., and take money, we will probably have dinner there. - he then stop at the door of the living room where is mom was- there she is- he says pointig to the inside of the room

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