Chapter 16: The Fight of San Venganza Part 2 & Defeat of Blackheart

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Blackheart snarled as he got back up from the ambush given to him by the Great Mother. Gaea immediately charges at Mephistos' son and lands a powerful uppercut, sending him flying to the sky, with Earth's Embodiment in hot pursuit. The Elder Goddess of Earth immediately tackled Blackheart as both of them land repeatedly blows to each others faces with ferocity, with both reacting to the flurry of punches. In the clouds above, emerald and orange can be seen, followed by the thundering sounds. Gaea then got the advantage and grabbed Blackheart by the neck.

Blackheart: No! I will not fall like my fool of a father did! It's my time now!

Gaea glared at the foolish demon coldly.

Gaea: Your "time" will come.

Blackhearts' eyes widened, knowing what the Great Mother meant.

Blackheart: NEVER!

Blackheart then let a wicked punch at Gaea, sending her flying. Blackheart let out an evil laugh, enjoying every bit of that moment.

Gaea fell to the ground. Upon impact, dust followed like as though another sandstorm happened. Though there's no sandstorms currently happening at this time. Blackheart softly landed to the ground with an arrogant yet sadistic grin on his face, or what appears to be. Blackheart walked towards her, slowly yet intimidatingly.

Blackheart: Best for you to do is stay out, doll. And don't worry. Once I've buried the Ghost Rider and my father, I'll bury you as well. Or you can be my "pleasure slave".

A/N: You walked right into that one, didn't you?

Gaea then immediately opened her eyes as anger flared in them, emerald fire emanating from them. Gaea then, with blinding speed, punches Blackheart, who did have time to react. Gaea then runs with blazing speed as they arrived back at that godforsaken place, San Venganza. Gaea violently throws punches at Blackheart, who can only endure them as blood leaked out from the demon. Gaea then punched Blackheart on the lips as one of his fangs dangles, followed by Blackheart pulling one of them out and throws it to the ground.

Gaea then heard sound of a gun being locked and loaded. She turns around to see Johnny Blaze, with the gun that the deceased Carter Slade had given him.

Johnny Blaze: Gaea! Get back!

Gaea obliged as she gave Blackheart one last staggering punch and runs next to Roxanne.

Johnny Blaze: Get a load of this, Blackheart!

He thrust his arm into the shadow cast by a tottering statue. A fiery skele tal hand suddenly gripped the stock of the shotgun. Johnny gritted his teeth and concentrated with all his might. Hellfire flowed down his arm into the shotgun, causing the metal barrels to twist into an unearthly new configuration. Just as Ghost Rider could transform an ordinary chopper into a truly demonic motorcycle, Johnny now converted the mundane firearm into the Hellfire Shotgun.

A bony finger squeezed the trigger and a burst of el dritch fire belched from the writhing black barrels of the shotgun. The blast scorched Blackheart's shoulder, charring the azure flesh beneath his dark suit. Unlike mere buckshot, the shotgun's new ammo staggered the Devil's son. He stared in disbelief at his seared and smoking shoulder.

Johnny Blaze: That's more like it.

Johnny thought. Sulfurous fumes rose from the barrels of the gun. He squeezed off another shot and tendrils of blue flame blasted through Blackheart. Noxious blue ichor splattered across the interior of the chapel as the Hell fire cut the demon in two. The separate halves of the Beast flopped down into the dust. Cobalt-colored gore spilled from both ends of his truncated torso.

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