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It had been a little over a week since the official start Oikawa's reign as brand new positions down at the office. With the exception of that, everything regarding work ethic carried on without a single hitch.

"These are what's left for you to sign, sir." You placed the last stack of papers on his desk and took a step away from his desk with your hands clasped in front of you.

"Mm..." He hummed, taking one of the sheets down to this desk. His eyes hadn't left you as yet though. He wanted to watch and see for just a bit longer if he was going to catch a glimpse of that look again.

You took a close look at your watch and then back at him. "It's time for my beak now. When I return, I hope you'll have at least half of these done before the meeting."

"Right..." Nothing at all. Not even a smidgen of it. Just his normal secretary, with no hint of innuendo behind her words. Without a smile, without a wink, or a crave in your eyes, you left his office and went on your lunch break.

"Yeah, I'm in the middle of getting lunch...It'll be fine, he won't find out. I'm being super careful."

"Good afternoon, sir." The clerk asked. "And what will you be having today?"

"Hold on." He pulled the phone from his ear. "Let's about a turkey sandwich with everything on it. A light spread of mayonnaise too, please."

"And to drink?"

"A bottle of water is fine."

"You got it. Your total comes to 550 yen, sir." After the transaction, he gave him his receipt with his order number to soon be called. As he walked off though, despite the black mask and matching baseball cap, he couldn't help but notice how familiar he looked. 'He kinda looks familiar...'

'Where to sit...' The young male scoped the room. His best bet was to find a seat where his chances of being seen and recognized were slim. 'Oh?'

Before spotting the empty seat itself, he noticed the woman sitting across from it, working intently on her laptop and munching on her salad.

He then slipped the phone back to his ear. "Hey, 'Samu, we'll talk later, I'm about to go eat...Uh-huh. See ya." If he was going to end up sitting anywhere in this place, it most definitely had to be there.

As soon as he got his order, he made his way over to that table where you sat. With his hand underneath his tray and the other on the head of the chair, he asked politely, "Hey, is this seat taken?" His eyes scrunched along to his hidden smile.

You didn't bother lifting your eyes to this one. "It's not," you said. "But neither are the other seats around me." Still, it didn't deter him from putting his tray down and pulling the chair out.

He watched you stab your fork in your dressing-dribbled salad and get right back to typing. How could he take his eyes away from those long lashes of yours? And that boyish cut suited you more than well by any normal standards.

You flicked your eyes up to him. "What?"

"Ah," he waved. "Don't mind me. Keep working hard." He dropped his gaze to his hands, unwrapping his sandwich.

'What kind of getup is that?' All suspicious-looking in his all-black fit. 'Whatever.' You dropped your eyes back to the nearly finished e-mail.

He pulled down his mask under his chin and took a bite out of it. "Mm, this is super good." He raised his face up to you once more. You were still at it without the slightest care in the world. The way your fingers attacked that keyboard, it was probably more like you didn't hear him to begin with.

Rᴇᴛʀɪʙᴜᴛɪᴏɴ || O.Tᴏᴏʀᴜ // M. AᴛsᴜᴍᴜWhere stories live. Discover now