Situation. (2/2)

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A/N: I'm back guys! Thanks so much for waiting♥ It's a shorter chapter this time, but I hope to make the next one longer.

You pressed your earpiece yet again and pulled the microphone up to your mouth. "Hey, if you're finished taking care of that woman, then make your way back inside. I need to speak with the both of you."

The two responded with a 'yes, ma'am' and returned to you in less than a minute. While everyone else resumed their work, including Ari and Atsumu, you guided the two guards to the back.

The one with brown hair, his eyes kept on between the floor and your hard face. Right beside him, his partner held his uniform hat in front of himself, squeezing the rising nerves into it. Together, sweat trickled down their foreheads.

"So," you started. "Which one of you wants to go first?" You crossed your arms and shifted your weight to one foot. You looked back and forth between the two and they exchanged looks between themselves. "Well?"

"Uh..." You looked to the bald-headed one. "What about?"

You squinted. "Don't play dumb with me. Give me an explanation as to why you knuckleheads made the executive decision to let in whoever you pleased. Especially without notifying me." You plucked out your earpiece. "Am the only one who knows how to use this thing?"

"N-no," the brunette answered. "We're sorry."

"I don't need your half-assed apology," you spat. "I need an explanation."

"We, um-Miss Reina said Miya-san invited her to come, so we... we let her inside." The baldy said.

"We said she couldn't at first, but-!" His co-worker jabbed his elbow into his arm. "Ouch!" He grabbed his arm and soothed the pained spot.

"Hey, shut up already. Don't say anything unnecessary."

"Why not?" you said. "Please, carry on."

"Well, you see..." Reluctance continued picking apart their words. "It's always a once in a lifetime opportunity getting to meet your favorite celebrity. She was nice enough to give us her autograph, too."

"You're joking, right? Tell me you're joking." Instead, they sealed their lips and cast their gazes to the ground. "You let someone inside for an autograph? What if she wasn't the real Yatsumura Reina and actually some imposter looking to get in?"

"There's no way. It was definitely her!" The bald one said. "I can tell..." he muttered under his breath. "I've watched all of her movies..."

"From my standpoint, it sounds like the both of you could've cared less about being written up and losing your jobs."

He clasped his hands. "N-no! Please don't! We'll be careful next time, we swear."

"Please don't write us up and tell our boss."

"Do you realize she could've physically harmed one of our models? She looked as if she was going to go on a rampage. You're telling me you prepared in advance for the consequences?" No words from either of them. "Then let's do this. If anybody here asks, you tell them Yatsumura-san came inside drunk, but you hadn't realized it until afterward. That way, I won't have to send a complaint to your boss.

"I see... That's a great idea!"

"And if they ask why we let her in?"

"Tell them exactly what she told you. She claimed to be a good friend of Miya Atsumu, and so she invited herself to the set. You believed her, not knowing she had hostile intentions of trying to harm him and cause a commotion."

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