Chapter 5 Whats happening to me?

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Year, 1993, may 23rd

"Entry log number 7, new experiment 8-2-9-0. It's vitals don't seem stable, it refuses to listen to anything or anyone that come around its cell. The subject seems to be at a state where it's main human nature is this present. Perhaps it's aware of its new body, we are unsure yet. It's fur isn't what anyone suspected, a swamp green. I haven't been able to get a close enough look at experiment 8-2-9-0 due to it's aggression levels towards anyone that's near it, but soon we will transverse it to another operating room to get rid of any human thoughts. End of log."

It felt cold in the room Andrew is at he sat on the cold floor looking down, he doesn't know what's going on with him, he hated it, it hurt to move and to think, he couldn't properly talk anymore, all that came out was animal like growls and screeches. His body felt like his bones where slowly breaking, he wanted the pain to stop but I wouldn't, he couldn't make it stop. Then a door from behind him opened, another gas grenade was thrown in. The red gas filled the room, Andrew started to cough then he covered his mouth and nose with his hands, but it didn't help he feel backwards on the ground and fell asleep.

Year, 1993 may 26th

"Are you sure the experiment is done, people have been saying that it's not right, that experiment 8-2-9-0 needs to be disposed of." said one of the scientists "Nonsense, this creature may be different then what it's supposed to look like, but that doesn't mean we can't make it follow commands like 1-1-7-0." Another scientists said. They made their way to a isolation cell, they opened a door that led them to a dark room. Within this cell is experiment 8-2-9-0, another life sized Huggy doll, but 8-2-9-0 is a little more different then experiment 1-1-7-9 himself. It seemed to be a bit smaller then what it's supposed to be, it's hands and feet weren't yellow, they were grey with claws at the ends of them, it had a constant toothy smile not showing the inside of it mouth like 1-1-7-0, but when it did opened its mouth from time to time it showed it has six extra teeth inside along with a tongue, it's fur was a swampy green color, it had a small deer like tail, parts of it spine ripping out of its back, and it's eyes where different from each other, the left eye was completely normal while the right was almost completely black. The creature was being kept into a cell with some medical equipment inside with it, like a heart monitor to make sure that it stays alive. "Hello experiment 8-2-9-0, oh what a beaut you are." Said one of the scientists, the creature sat their in the cell; looking at the two people still having that toothy smile, but then it's eyes got wider, the black pupil on the left side grew bigger, and both of the eyes had a small blood red glow on them. "Ooo, you trying to be scary huh buddy. Well guess what, looking scary isn't going to help you escape this place. Your stuck here forever." The scientist said being cocky "I-I wouldn't be so cocky around this g-guy, it's tried breaking the glass before." The scared scientist said pointing to a part of the glass. He wasn't kidding, this thing tried to break the glass. The glass was cracked slightly. "Oh so what, you said it tried. That doesn't mean it succeeded, right?" Experiment 8-2-9-0 looked over at the cracked part of the glass, while the two scientists where talked he slowly walked to the part of the glass cell on all fours. Once there he tapped on the glass a few times, then he backed up from a few feet, and sprinted right into the glass causing it to break completely. The scientists screamed and stumbled backwards to avoid glasses hitting them. "HOLD SHI-" the scientists was cut off when 8-2-9-0 grabbed his and slammed his on the ground countless times, killing his. The other ran of and triggered an alarm to go off, telling security there was a containment breach, this isn't good. 8-2-9-0 let out a loud screech and then ran off form the isolation cell. He. Wanted. OUT.

"WHERE IS IT!?" "This entire place is closed off, how could it have gotten away?" The security was talk back and forth on what to do, where to look, but they were getting nowhere. Growls and snarls can be heard from all around them, it was here no doubt about it, but where was it hiding? Suddenly a grey hand grabbed one of the security guards, it came out of the shadows, crushing the head of the man with no problems. "GET THE POPPY GAS!" One of them shouted. One of them grabbed a small gas tank and put their gas mask on, but before he turned the knob to let the gas out he noticed that the anomaly wasn't being that aggressive. In fact, it looked...scared and confused. "Why are you just standing there, USE THE GAS!" A guard shouted getting impatient. The guard with the gas tank turned the knob and let the gas go everywhere around the area, 8-2-9-0 began to feel dizzy and tired. It let out one last screech before it collapsed and feel asleep, this is a living nightmare for this experiment.

The Failed Experiment (A Poppy Playtime Story) discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now