Chapter 7 New Friends

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Year, 1999 March 10th

It was hard trying to find food around the factory, the only human food that was left is now moldy and gross tasting. 8-2-9-0 was starving and was trying to learn how to hunt my himself, but he didn't have much success the first few times he tried to hunt. The first time was when he noticed 3 Candy Cats by the Game Station, he was going to get at least one of the Candy Cats, but Mommy Long Legs got to one of them by stretching out her arm from a vent and grabbing one of them, also causing the other two Candy Cats to run off. A more recent time was when 8-2-9-0 had a corner Cat Bee, but yet again Mommy Long Legs grabbed it from the vents and dragged it away. 8-2-9-0 had trouble with hunting, especially since he doesn't have that good of eyesight.

Wondering around the factory 8-2-9-0 notices a Boogie Bot near a trash can, quietly growling to himself 8-2-9-0 start to creep up from behind the Boogie Bot hoping that he once he can eat something that's not leftovers from another kill. "Ok, this is the one, this will be my first successful hunt." He said through his thoughts. All of a sudden Huggy came out of nowhere and attacked the Boogie Bot himself. "HEY!" 8-2-9-0 shouted "THAT WAS MINE KILL!"

A/N (Tho it may seem to over toys that the Huggy Wuggy dolls can't talk, they indeed can but in their own kinda of weird language. Ok back to the story :)

"Well sorry kid didn't see you there, here help yourself." Said Huggy as he tossed the now dead corpse of the Boogie Bot. 8-2-9-0 stared at the corpse then looked back at Huggy "Look I know ya probably mad at me, but to be frank you don't even look that hungry. If anything you where probably just gonna let it rot." Huggy said "What do you mean I'm not hungry, I'm starving, I haven't eaten for a week, and your saying I'm not hungry!?" 8-2-9-0 said in disbelief. Both of them went back and forth on who should have acutely taken the kill and if Huggy was even being far. "Ya know you could just let this slide, right?" Huggy suggested, But 8-2-9-0 wasn't having it and then said "I'm not letting it slide." With that 8-2-9-0 lunged at Huggy attack him.

The two of them where fighting for a few minutes until Kissy noticed and went to break up the fight. "KNOCK IT OFF YOU TWO, NOW!" Kissy shouted, Huggy kicked 8-2-9-0 off of him and said "Well he started it, this little brat attacked me for no reason." "NO REASON? You took my kill and said that I wasn't going to eat it, I'm starving because every time I tried to hunt my kill gets taken by someone else." 8-2-9-0 said frustrated. Kissy looked at both of the two for a second then looked at Huggy. "You know very well that you don't steal someone else's food, especially when I'm around to see it happen." She said "I know Kissy, but come on I was hungry and I saw the Boogie Bot and, and.....I'm in trouble aren't I?" Huggy asked "Yeah think, and sometimes I ask myself why I even married you."Kissy said "Come one Kissy you don't mean that, right?" "Maybe, maybe not." Huggy and Kissy where talking about their relationship for a bit, going on how Huggy sometimes never listens to Kissy and stuff like that. While they were talking 8-2-9-0 saw another Cat Bee, sense there was no vent near by and Huggy was distracted 8-2-9-0 saw this as a opportunity. 8-2-9-0 sprinted towards the defenseless toy, attacked it, and killed it, he finally had a successful hunt. "Oh now lookie here, your not half bad at hunting now are you." Kissy said, 8-2-9-0 didn't realize that both Huggy and Kissy saw him. "Oh, umm...I guess, this was my first successful one in a while. He said "And you know what, that's ok. I mean this blue hairball kept flunking up when we had our first hunt together." Kissy said, Huggy just stayed silent. "Hey do you want to come with us for a bit, we saw this human sized Bron near the Game Station, and we want to get to it before Long Legs dose. What do you say?" She asked. 8-2-9-0 wasn't sure, the last time he encountered Mommy Long Legs she almost killed him and she said that if he ever comes back she'll kill him without hesitation, but at the same time he could get his fill of flesh from that Bron. "Okay, but I can't be seen by Mommy Long Legs." He said "Okay then let's go!" Huggy said, 8-2-9-0 had a bad feeling, but It'll be worth it he guessed.

Silently dropping into the Game Station from the vents Huggy, Kissy, and 8-2-9-0 started to search around for the human sized Bron. "Remember, don't let Mommy see me." 8-2-9-0 whispered "Why, what did you do to get on her bad side?" Huggy asked "Well, I may or may not have, umm...almost bit her leg clean off. Then we fought and she won, she actually broke one of the tips of my spine off." 8-2-9-0 explained. "Holy crap, how did you escape her?" Kissy asked "I got into the vents as fast as I could, she gave up and told me if I ever came back I'll be dead." He explained "Okay enough chitchat, let's find this Bron, kill it, get what we can and go." Huggy said. They kept looking around the Game Station, they were about to give up until Kissy heard heavy footsteps near Musical Memory. "Hey guys over here!" She whispered a bit loudly, both Huggy and 8-2-9-0 went over to where Kissy was wondering what she wanted, then she pointed towards where she heard the footsteps. "I think I know where he is." "Okay, how are we gonna do this?" Huggy asked. Kissy and Huggy where think of a plan, then 8-2-9-0 got an idea.  He didn't say anything those, he just ran off to do his plan. Both Huggy and Kissy noticed and got confused. "What are you doing?!" Huggy whispered shouted to 8-2-9-0. Then they noticed that 8-2-9-0 was trying to get the human sized Bron to the center of the Game Station, once the Bron was in the center of the room Huggy and Kissy jumped onto Bron and started to claw and bit it. 8-2-9-0 helped by bitting the neck of the dinosaur toy, piercing his teeth through the plastic. A few minutes of struggle Bron collapsed to the ground and bleed out. "Well, god damn kid, your not half bad." Huggy said "But next time, tell us what your gonna do." 8-2-9-0 smiled from the compliment and started to wag his tail. "Okay boys take what you can, I have a bad feeling that Miss. Long Legs knows we're here." Kissy said. They broke the plastic skin open and started to take out flesh from the dead toy dinosaur, after a minute or two all three of them heard a voice saying "Oh? someone here at the Game Station?" "Shit, we gotta go, NOW." Huggy said. Huggy, Kissy, and 8-2-9-0 climbed back into the vent where they came form and left.

I'm the vents all three of them where catching their breath, they where far from the Game Station now and weren't planning on going back there anytime soon. 8-2-9-0 then start to eat the flesh he had carried in his mouth, Kissy and Huggy where talk until they start to eat as well. "You know, your ok kid, what's ya name?" Huggy asked, 8-2-9-0 stayed quiet for a bit trying to remember his name. "What was my name?" 8-2-9-0 said through his thoughts. "I...don't...remember..." he said, "Oh, hmm...then I'll just call you Leaf." Huggy said "Why Leaf?" Kissy asked thinking the nickname was kinda weird "Because leaves can be green, he's a green color." Huggy said "I kinda like it actually, ok." 8-2-9-0 said. They all started to talk about themselves and any memories of when they where human, but 8-2-9-0 doesn't remember anything from when he was human. The only thing he remembers is when he woke up in the vents. "I have to go now, I'm starting to get tired." 8-2-9-0 said "Ok kiddo, we'll probably see you around." Kissy said. Huggy and Kissy had left the vents and 8-2-9-0 went deeper into the vents to find a spot to sleep, once he found a spot he curled up into a ball to get as much body warmth as he can and fell asleep. 8-2-9-0 has new friends.

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