Part 3/ Chapter 9 Fly in a Web

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Crawling threw a small vent was definitely an experience for 8-2-9-0, while usually he'll be in the more bigger vents where toy parts use to go through small vents like that one he and Jackie where in now was unknowingly difficult. The vent was pretty cramped, his body was scraping against the walls of the vent, and by the time Jackie has gotten out of the vent they had to wait for 8-2-9-0 to show up. Tho to be honest he didn't really think that through because he could of just got out the same way they gotten in, he could of just climbed out of the room and waited for Jackie to get back, but he had to choose a more difficult option.

Waiting for 8-2-9-0 seemed to take forever, Jackie had already finished the puzzle to get out of a toy storage and was now waiting for 8-2-9-0 to exit out of the vent. After 5 minutes 8-2-9-0 finally appeared from the vent, but as he was about to pry himself free form the vent his torso got stuck. He hung his hands down with exhaustion, Jackie could tell he was tired from pushing himself through the small vent. "Hold on buddy I'll get you out of there." Jackie  said and they shot one of the GrabPacks hands to one of 8-2-9-0's hands, he grabbed the hand and Jackie started to retract the hand, pulling 8-2-9-0's arm hoping it'll help him get out. After a few seconds 8-2-9-0 was pulled out of the vent, he landed on the ground with a thud. "You ok Minty?" Jackie asked 8-2-9-0, who was now laying flat on the ground. He rose his arm up in the air and did a thumbs up. Once 8-2-9-0 was back on his feet the duo continued forward to get back to the main room of the game station.

Once finally back at the Game Station the first thing 8-2-9-0 did was lay flat on the ground in the middle of the room to take a quick nap, while Jackie went up to the controls again to listen to where they need to go for the next game.

"Wow, you did fantastic! Who gave you permission to be this smart? Mommy is super proud, but I'm sure she's already told you that herself. Our next game is Wack-A-Wuggy, head down stairs and have fun!"

With that lights came on to a sign that said 'Wack-A-Wuggy', all Jackie needed to do was to complete this game to get another part of the train code. "Ok, I can do this" they said to themselves. They then looked over at 8-2-9-0, he was sound asleep, Jackie decided to let him sleep while he did the next game. They went downstairs to go off to the play Wack-A-Wuggy. Once in the game room Jackie notices that there was a ton of sand in the room, along with quite a few holes on the walls. Then the small T.V turned on and started to play the tutorial of the game.

Watch the video

Once given the information of the game Jackie stated to become nervous of the game, who knows what Mommy did to rig the game. "The toys in this game used to have strings attached to them, so they could be pulled back when they got to close to the children." Said Mommy Long Legs as she appeared in a upper window of the game room, and in her hands where the strings that used to be attached to the wuggys. "Hmm, have fun." She once again spoke, then the lights shut off, and the game began.

During the game Jackie was in a hyper focused mode as to not get killed by the smaller wuggy toys that would start crawling out of the holes, they came from all around the room it seemed like and it also seemed like they where hundreds of them. Eventually the game had ended after about a minute of two. " did it." Mommy said in a disappointed tone, then it changed to a most joyful tone when she said "Hooray! Mommy is so proud of you!" "Umm...thanks I guess" Jackie said "Here, Mommy had another hint for you." She said and she had her hand bring another part of the train code to Jackie, they took it and put it with his pocket along with the other part. "Only one game left to play, hmm sad. Mommy was hoping you would stay her forever, tho it's never to late to change your mind." She said with a giggle as she left the room she was in. "Ok only one more game like she said, I can do this. Me, Minty, and Poppy are all gonna escape from this hell whole." Jackie said to themselves. As they were about to leave out of the room one of the smaller wuggys quickly crawled out of a hole in the wall and lunged at them. Jackie jumped back away from the exit where the Wuggy stood in their way to get out, but for some reason the door didn't open yet. The wuggy was about to lunge at Jackie again but was stopped by something, no someone grabbing it's flimsy leg. It was then dragged towards what had grabbed it, and he was not happy. "Minty!" Jackie said in shock, they had no idea how he found his way in to the game room. 8-2-9-0 then tossed the smaller wuggy in the air and grabbed it again with his mouth, he bit down on the smaller body crushing it's bones and puncturing it's vital organs. Jackie found that pretty unsettling to watch so they looked away not wanting to watch what would happen next. 8-2-9-0 then ripped one of the arms of his own kind off of its body, at this point the smaller creature had died from both blood loss, it's fractured organs, and broken ribcage. Jackie looked back and saw that 8-2-9-0 was now consuming the smaller wuggy, it was gross but at least that wasn't them being eaten by the now dead wuggy. "Umm, thanks buddy, but how did you end up here?" Jackie thanked and asked their fuzzy friend. 8-2-9-0 then looked at where he came from, it was a small opening where Mommy had slipped her hand from to give the second part of the code. "Oh, ok then let's go back to the main room again." Jackie said and that went to the opening "Umm, but can you leave that corpse there, it's kinda unsettling to look at." Jackie requested, and 8-2-9-0 started walking away for the dead body and went off to get back to the main room of the Game Station.

"Hey you sure you know where your going bud, because I've never been around her before." Jackie asked 8-2-9-0, they where both in a room where there was railroad tracks on the ground. 8-2-9-0 went over to an area where he came from, but he didn't realize there was planks in the way due to him traveling through the upper vents. "Well looks like we need to fine another way to get out." Jackie said as they headed to an unopened cage gate. "Maybe you can crawl through the vents, or you could maybe break the planks down there, or-" Jackie was cut off by an all to familiar sound from way earlier, sirens giving a warning that something was opening another gate on the other side. Jackie started to freak out again think that it was Huggy coming back for revenge, so he got behind 8-2-9-0 incase it was. As the familiar figure stepped closer 8-2-9-0 stepped closer to the closed gate, when the figure got even closer they stepped into the light. It wasn't Huggy Wuggy, it was Kissy Missy. "Huh, wait...Kissy" asked Jackie in a confused yet calm way. Kissy tilted her head when she noticed the human next to 8-2-9-0, she then looked at her mint-green wuggy friend as if she was asking if their a good human. 8-2-9-0 looked at Jackie then back at Kissy and nodded yes to her. Kissy then looked at the lever and as she did Jackie spoke up "Umm I'm guessing that lever opens the gate way, could you perhaps pull it for us?" Kissy looked back a Jackie "...please...?" With that Kissy flailed her right arm up two times to grab a hold of the lever, then she pulled it down and the gate started to open. "Thank you Kissy!" Jackie said to her. Kissy looked at Jackie again for a moment then looked at 8-2-9-0, then she started to turn around before Jackie spoke up again. "Wait Kissy, you don't have to leave. You can stay will us, you can escape this factory with us." Kissy looked at Jackie on last time and then left without question. "You think we'll see her again bud?" Jackie ask 8-2-9-0. He didn't answer or did any kind of response like he would sometimes do, he just crawled underneath the half open gate and continued on without question.

End of part 3 of chapter 9

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2023 ⏰

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