Introduction + Wednesday - 0901

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Felmayer David, or simply "Dave", to his friends, always followed the latest news pertaining to all things software, firmware, hardware, you name it. He even picked up c programming in his free time. He was a complete beginner, having written his first hello world program in July, but as a big advocate for free and open source software, it was his dream to contribute to open source projects.

He was enthusiastic, and maybe a little naïve. Seeing how communities of programmers could come together and create extraordinary things for nothing but common benefit inspired him and shaped his personality. He was angered and saddened even by the concept of proprietary and closed source software, that just for money, so much was made inaccessible to the public, often even making the final product worse or less safe.

And that's how he spent his summer, honing his programming skills, and being active on a variety of online forums, where he discussed a multitude of topics and made multiple acquaintances that shared his interests.


Then that day came. The day he met Okitsugu. He was a new addition to their class, in place of Arnold, who left in pursuit of better education. Their first interaction, if you can cal it that, was quite embarrassing for him, after wrongly assumed Okitsugu would not be fluent, he made a fool out of himself trying to accommodate him with slow, over-articulated speech.

After the initial confusion during their introduction however, they quickly got to talking and totally hit it off! Dave never felt he was understood so well by anyone before. Okitsugu, or as his classmates started calling him "Matsu", was into the same things as Dave, sometimes even more so!

They spent the breaks talking to each other about their experiences with different devices, operating systems, applications... They talked for as long as the breaks lasted and even during classes they could be caught texting one another.

At the end of the day, they were saying their goodbyes and "see you tomorrows" when Dave's eyes lit up

- Hey Dave! What if you came over to my house? I want to show you so many things I really just can't in school...

- Okay! I would love to! I'm looking forward to it! See you tomorrow!

- See you Dave!


And so they part ways... for now!! Stay tuned for more!

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