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The next day flew by quickly, inattentive during classes, David was very excited to go over to Okitsugu's place. After classes were over, they met up at the school gates.

- I'm so happy you're coming over Dave, I cant wait - started Matsu excitedly

- Yeah, my dad's cool about it, he let me come no problem. What about your family Matsu?

- My dad's away on a business trip and my mom's busy with work too so we'll have the house to ourselves today

- Coool - articulated Dave, elongating the close central rounded vowel in his speech

And so they started walking, David following Okitsugu, talking, joking with each other, just having a good time, but after about 20 minutes, Dave started getting impatient, nagging Matsu with questions.

- Aaand? How does your house look like?

- You'll see you'll see!! Patience lets the roses blossom!

- At least tell me if we're close! - Dave said, clearly tired of all the walking, suddenly slowing down in awe of a house he's seeing - Look at that! Such a beautiful house, what house, mansion! - Okitsugu just chuckled and did not answer

- At least tell me if we're close! - Dave said, clearly tired of all the walking, suddenly slowing down in awe of a house he's seeing - Look at that! Such a beautiful house, what house, mansion! - Okitsugu just chuckled and did not answer

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As they reached the aforementioned building, he suddenly stopped, and said with a wide smile:

- We're here!

Dave's eyes widened

- No way!

- Yes way! Now come on in! - Okitsugu struggled a bit with the key a little then opened the gate.

Beyond the cast iron gates lied the garden, accurately reflecting the beauty of nature. To the left a mini bamboo forest could be seen, showing a side of wilderness, yet kept firmly in order, while to the right a large apple tree with a swing was visible, the old tree contrasting with the swing evoking childhood.

Matsu closed the gates and they headed to the building, Dave taking in the scenery.

"Damn dude, I think this is the most fancy place I've ever been!"

After they got inside, and Matsu invited him up to his room.

In Okitsugu's room, there was a slight mess, but it's not as bad as one might expect for someone constantly on their computer or phone, chronically online. On his desk lied his desktop computer. next to it, a pile of books and notebooks. On his wall a whiteboard with a flowchart depicting some complex computational algorithm.

"I'll put on some music" - he said and started some ADTR songs on his loudspeakers.


"Your house... it's so nice... I don't mean to be rude but... How come you're so into free and open source software? You could easily buy the whole Apple ecosystem, yet you choose not to."

"Dave, you must understand, while I don't have to use free software out of necessity, I still have principles, furthermore the increased level of control I have over the devices I use far overweigh any pros the unified ecosystem might have."

"You're a great person Matsu. I am- WAIITTTTT IS THAT A HATSUNE MIKU POSTER?" Dave shouts pointing at a poster in the room.

"NO? WHY WOULD YOU THINK THAT?" - Okitsugu jumps up, blushing so hard his head could be likened to a tomato. - "I like pop punk and rock music like everyone else!"

"I saw what I saw Matsu, you don't have to hide it- It's okay to like it. I like Vocaloid too you know?"

 "You... Wont make fun of me for it?" - Matsu's eyes widened

"I would NEVER do such a thing. I promise. Everything is okay, Matsu, wanna listen to happy voice synthetizer songs? Let me put on my playlist" -Upbeat Vocaloid music starts playing

🎶maru de ryoushi no kaze mitai ni watashi no kororo yusaburu no🎶 - They sing along in unison to Electric Angel

"I'm so happy that you like this type of music as well! I thought I will forever have to keep it a secret I share with no one!"

"Tell me about it... I don't even like pop punk"

"Me neither, I don't even know what ADTR stands for!" - They both erupted in laughter

"I see you're really advanced in coding" - Dave said, looking at the whiteboard, wrinkles appearing on his face as he was trying to understand it.

"Thank you, it means a lot to me to hear you say that" - Matsu blushed

"I was wondering if you could take a look at some of my code... It's my first larger project, and I'm not sure how secure the authenticatory system is"

"Oh yeah sure thing! Let me see!"

Dave handed his laptop to Matsu, the code open in vim in the terminal.

After a few minutes of silence and occasional "hmm"ing, Matsu stated: "Ok I read through it, I think its good overall, but there is a critical flaw. Here, can you see how this make the authentication process vulnerable to being spoofed?"

"I see... I should add an additional layer of verification, because the correct header will get the message detected as trustworthy, no matter the key."

"Exactly. But don't worry, even experienced pros make mistakes like this. Especially if in their hubris they don't test for vulnerabilities."

"Thanks Matsu."

"Now, I have a question-"


"Do you want to watch the new Mirai Nikki OVA that just came out?"


And so they watched the Mirai Nikki OVA, eating some pop-corn to go with it. By the end, both of them were crying at it.

"What a great OVA"

"I know right"

Dave's phone got a notification - "It's my dad, he's here to pick me up"

"Dave, I really enjoyed today, I'm glad you were here, I hope we can do this again sometime"

"Me too, Matsu, me too"

Matsu walked Dave to the gates, where they said their "goodbye"s and "see you later"s.

Dave got into his dad's car and was driven home. He went to sleep that night thinking about how much fun he had with Matsu, and how he is his best friend already. He was thinking how much he liked his new friend... He thought about him a lot.

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