Canaria in cavea

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A/N I don't know if I was meant to use like- locativus? I mean cavea *is* referring a location so maybe? But i think in + ablativus should work,,, correct me if I'm wrong dear readers 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️

As if waking from deep slumber, Dave, starting to come to consciousness stretched his limbs out when he noticed his bed being awfully hard... Wait is this not his bed? "Why am I laying on the floor?" Dave slowly opened his eyes, after some time acclimating to the lighting conditions, he mumbled confused. - "Where am I? What happened?"

Then the memories came flooding his mind. The ominous phone call, the men on the bus, they followed him, sending the emergency signal - HE GOT KIDNAPPED!!!

He was still wearing the clothes he did when they took him - he checked his pockets but they've all been emptied out.

Examining his surroundings he concluded that he must've been thrown into a cell of some kind, a medium sized room, split in half by vertical metal bars. On the bars' other side a steel door, beyond there he couldn't see. The door on the bars had some high-tech electronic lock on it.

He could see multiple cameras around the room, in the corners, and he suspected there might be more he can't see. Whoever might've taken him will certainly know he woke up with this level of surveillance. For now however, there were no signs of anyone.

Dave started pacing up and down in his cell. In his cell there was a rusty metal toilet, he shuddered at thought of using it. He desperately needed to however. "How long have I been here?" He decided to hold it in for now.

Suddenly, Dave heard noises from the door. The door opened and the man who stepped inside was none other than Elon Gates, the infamous tech-CEO, famous for his lack of morals and aggressive anti-competitive business practices.

"Well hello my little friend! How's the room? Oh who am I kidding, it's terrible! When I'll have some money to spare we'll fix it up, how does that sound?" - Dave just scoffs, well knowing that if he wanted to he could give him a well accommodating room, and he's done this on purpose.

"What do you want from me?"

"Oh that's very simple my dear. First of all, tell us what larger organization you are under,  and second of all, you'll help by leading your friends here."

"I will not help you."

"Oh but you will, you being here is enough bait"

"They don't even know where I am, you can't tell them, they'd know you're trying to trick them."

"Did you wonder why we knew who you were and where to find you?"

"It's from Matsu's mistake isn't it"

The CEO let out a mocking cackle - "I'll help, it's the same reason they'll walk into our trap: We got a mole."

"No you don't old man. Get out of here liar liar liar!"

"Now now now, is that any way to talk to me? Did you forget you have no power here? It only takes my word and that toilet of yours might disappear."

He took out a remote control from his pocket and pressed some buttons. A projected image appeared on the wall. - "We're gonna have a quick chat with the mole if you don't mind" - Dave's furious gaze after hearing that sentence was near-lethal.

On the wall Dave could see a video call being started, and heard the mole say, "Hi Dave,"


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