The Mission

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Standing in front of Elon Gates Tech headquarters, Okitsugu took a deep breath. His heart was beating so fast it rivaled the refresh rate of his best monitor. Standing on the other side of the street with Kinga, who was nonchalantly leaning on a streetlamp pole.

Rolling her eyes she said:

"Calm down, Matsu, our plan will work. We will be in and out with Dave before you know it."

At the mention of his friend's name, Okitsugu's eyes lit up with determination.

"Okay. Let's do this."

The two were dressed in formal attire to appear as more fitting in the office environment they'll be infiltrating. They walked in the front door confidently. They greeted the receptionist respectfully, who greeted them back. They entered the elevator and pressed the -1 button.

As the elevator was descending, Kinga leaned to her mic:

We got past reception, on our way to floor -1 right now. Is everything good Arnold?

Their remotely connected friend took some time but eventually said:

"Yes. Everything is proceeding according to the plan."

The elevator stopped and its doors opened. They were on floor -1. Kinga and Okitsugu stepped out of the cabin. They looked around, there was no one to be seen. They knew David was being held deeper, but this was the lowest floor the elevator would go to. And so they started walking down the stairs, their steps echoing in the quiet.

After minutes of walking they finally arrived at the desired floor. A network of dimly lit hallways, more akin to a Minoan labyrinth than an office building. Traversing the corridors would've been impossible for them if not for Arnold, who had access to the cameras and the layout, helping them navigate.

Turn left, turn right, keep straight he'd say, while Kinga and Okitsugu were sneaking around the dead empty hallways. After about half an hour of walking they finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel of hopelessness, or more precisely, saw the end of the corridor they entered be lightly illuminated by a warm light.

"You're almost there" Arnold said, excited

As they approached the light they arrived at a door. After some deliberation they pressed down on the door handle and the door opened with a creak. They immediately heard screams from the other side.

"Go away! Please don't come here! It's-"

The two ran in the room concerned to the source the wailing voice. Shouting in unison:


Their eyes needed some time to adjust to the bright room. After those few seconds passed they SAW HIM!



"What do you mean exactly" Kinga said, furrowing her eyebrows, forming a Kim Taehyung shape.


A booming sound behind them interrupted their reunion, they looked in terror at the metal bars that have descended with a loud thud, closing their  way off.

A group of muscular menschen in suits rushed in the hallway they came from and from behind them slowly walked out Elon Gates himself. Wearing a dark crimson suit embellished with intricate lighter details, his evil aura filling up the room.

"Well, well, well... who do we have here?" He started his villanous monologue but got interrupted by Kinga - "Let us free this instant! Or else-" - she paused when the CEO broke out in laughter:

"Threaten me? You? You got guts my child- but don't be mistaken. It costs me one snap and all you will die an excruciating death. I am being generous keeping you punks alive. We'll be back soon. With some questions, and you better have the answers."

He scoffed at them one last time and left with his bodyguards.

"What the hell Arnold?" Cried out Kinga
"You said it was all clear!"

"Well you see, the thing is-"

"He's a fucking spy! He works for them!" Dave shut him down.

Kinga stared in disbelief-

"They paid me more than you could ever be worth to me." Arnold said coldly.



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