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Okitsugu stared at his phone frozen in place like a statue. "It- it has to be a mistake!" He continued staring at the message as if he was hoping it would go away.  Tears started to well up in his eye. He tried calling Dave, but his phone was off.


Dave sent emergency distress signal

Matsu: Dave!?

                ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!

Kinga: Of course he isn't you idiot! Can't you read?

               People don't send "emergency distress signals" if they are alright.

               First off, we need an emergency meeting to figure out what steps to take.


Arnold: Present.

Kinga started a video call

"Okay so, none of us can reach Dave."



"I phoned his dad, he said he's not home. Evidence points to that something happened to him on the way home. He was in elevated danger because of someone's carelessness" - She looked sternly in the camera aimed at Matsu, who was quietly sobbing.

"What do we do now?" - He mumbled barely audibly.

"We? Oh no, no, no; after getting one of our founding members in such serious danger, we decided... it's best not to let you leak anything more. Raise your hand if you're in favor of kicking Matsuda Okitsugu out?" - She said with contempt and raised her hand.

Arnold followed suit and raised his hand, his face did not display any emotion as if he was playing poker.

Okitsugu looked at them, streams of tears running down his face, and he quietly raised his hand.

"Great then! All in favor!" - Kinga clapped her hands together.

Matsu was removed from conversation

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