On his way (Dave PoV)

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After saying goodbye to the others I started walking on my way home.

After some waiting at the station I got on the tram, it arrived relatively quickly.

I only needed to travel a few stops, so I was getting ready  to get off at the next one. That's when I got a call from an unknown number. "That's weird" - I thought, but still picked it up.

I heard three words from the other side, that sent shivers down my spine.

"Got you now."

"What? Who is this?" - I wanted to ask, but they hung up before I could do so.

I started looking around frantically for anything suspicious. A couple with a young child, an old lady, two men in business suits, a loud group of teenagers, in short, nothing out of the ordinary. I hurriedly got off at the next stop, and started walking home. I knew my home was close, so I felt less afraid, but still sped up my footsteps.

In my paranoia, I chose to not walk the obvious and shortest route home, instead going through some less known alleyways so I won't run into anyone who might've been waiting for me.

I was in a dim and narrow street when I started to hear footsteps approaching. I looked back, it was the same two men in suits from the tram! I quickly looked forward and sped up my steps; I could hear the steps behind me speeding up as well.

That's when the bone-chilling realization hit me:

These men are here for me.

I turned around, they were almost in an arms distance. I started running, but after a few steps I stumbled and fell over. In the nick of time, I managed to send an emergency distress signal to the group.

It didn't take long for them to reach me.

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