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The story begins with me. I was walking to the library to return some books. Today I was wearing a black long-sleeve top with yellow dress overalls on top. White socks with checkered shoes. I had black curly hair in two ponytails. I had a yellow and a black clip in my hair. I have dark gray eyes and tan skin.

The year was 2045. Back then I was only 10, and tomorrow was my birthday. I never really celebrated birthdays. It was just never big in my family. Nor were kids. But that was fine I could just get more books as a gift for myself.

While dropping my books off the librarian came up to me. Her name was Ms. Millie. She looked like every other librarian but she was nice. Sadly she only aloud five books per person. I was no exception.
"Hello Ms. Millie!" I exclaimed greeting her
"Hello there Cassidy" she replied.

It seems I forgot to say my name. Well my names is Cassidy but my friends call me Cassie. Well they would if I had any.

"I have come to get more books I finished these already" say happily
"Already! But you just got them Monday," she says
"Well yes...But tomorrow is a special day so I need some more," I start "And I just read fast so I need more,"
"You know, you are the only reason why his place is still in business," she informs me
"Really! Why is the that?" I ask looking to the book marks
"Well... all the other kids prefer games and adults are GEN Z so they don't care either," she says
"Oh, wow well then you're welcome!" I say walking over to the books as Ms. Millie goes to the back.

I've read most all these books. Only one I haven't is the dictionary. Which I find boring. As I look for anything new something outside catches my eye. I was something on the ground. Something shiny. I felt it calling me. Wanting me to go and find it, find it take it.

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