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  In my sleep I tossed and turned. Why I wasn't even dreaming. just something was wrong. I wake up just I was roll off my bed. I scream as I fall off my bed. I scraped my arm on the side of the bed as I fall.

On the floor I'm in a lot of pain. My head hurts badly but I'll be fine. That's what I thought until I saw blood. From my arm but my head as well.
"Well that's not good." I thought

I get up but something doesn't feel right. I can't tell what it is. Nothing sounds wrong or looks wrong. But everything is off. I walk down the hall to the bathroom. I just need to bandage my head and arm.

While in the bathroom I look in the mirror. And I see me but it's wrong. It looks like me but it's not. My hair is all wrong but it's completely normal. My eyes aren't dark gray they are brown but you can't tell. My outfit is different. More colors like pink and blue. Nothing I like. The only thing right is the button. But even then it's wrong. It is right where I put it but I look better sewn on.

This freaks me out. I run out and go to my room. Now I knows what wrong. Everything but nothing at the same time. How can this be? I grab my stuffed yellow bear as it brings me comfort. Now this the bear nothing is wrong. It's top hat and bow are still the same. Good.

I walk around the house. No one is here. I even looked outside in the back. No dog grave. My parents room is empty and my room looks how I wished it was. The house is nice and clean. I walk downstairs to see the tv on. Playing the only show I like. The kitchen has food in it and the lights are on. This place seems like paradise but it's not home. My house sucks but it's home. The yelling and screaming is calming and helps me sleep. The mess always gives me something to do. And helps me know how to adult as school will or books will never teach me.

Not know what to do know or where to go. I decided on the library. Now I would eat the food here but I don't trust it.

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