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At the end of the hallway was a small room. It was still so dark to see the walls. But now knowing what I know...I don't want to.

At the end in the middle against the wall, was a pedestal. One last one. This would be 16. I have lit 16 pedestals. But I felt nothing. These were nothing but my way out. I just wanted out and to go home.

I light it. Once I do I regret it. I want to run, I tried to run but can't. I break down crying. The hot salty tears run down my face hitting the floor. I'm scared. Now, just now take me home.

The walls were filled with the bunny monsters. So many of them clustered together. In the middle lay the biggest beast. Another bunny made of darkness. His eyes were white circles with a purple ring around them. It looked like it was crying purple. It's mouth misshapen, like ones you would carve on a pumpkin. It once again filled with purple.

I was crying and crying as my vision went black. I looked up having the last thing I see before my vision left me was the rabbit beast. Smiling at me. I really wished I hadn't done that.

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