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  I decided to check it out. I go out side leaving the books. I look on the ground but I can't see anything. I can't find where that thing was. That was until I looked over at the road.

There it was. I still can't tell what it is but I know I have to get it. I want it, no correction I need it. I scared about cars so I wait till I walk. When the walk sign goes on I go across the street, picking the thing up as I cross. After I get to the other side I look down and it's...GONE! Where did it go?

I look around and see it at the end of the sidewalk, next to the park. I should be heading home soon but this can't wait. I run over to it but when I get there it's gone again.

This keeps happening. I find it but by the time I get to it it's gone again. It brought me all the way to the forest. By this time the street lights went on. I won't go into the forest. I thought it was time to give up. That was until I was in my hand.

I look at it. I was a button. A black button. It wasn't shiny but it seemed like that while I was chasing it. While looking at it I remembered I had a small thread and needle in my pocket. I take it out and tried to sew the button onto my overalls. I did it, not well but I did it.

Now all I need to do is try to find my way back home. I then look over to see my house. I guess the button brought me back home. I walk up to house door and open it.

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