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  As the boys exit their English class they head to the lunchroom and sit with their lunch. They talk for awhile and get to know each other better. "I guess since we're friends now do you wanna come to my place after school? I'm sure my mom is fine with it" Tyler asks. Ryan hesitated, but he eventually thought of an answer, "yea sure" Ryan replied unsure if he really wanted to.

Ryan and Tyler returned to English and sat with Nathalia, Alphonse, and Gianna "Tyler these are my friends Nathalia, Alphonse, and Gianna" Ryan told him. "Hey Tyler-John" Nathalia said teasing him holding back laughter. "So why'd you come here?" Asked Nathalia and Danny "because my mother wanted me to and honestly I didn't want to but it's whatever" Tyler said.

*bell rings*

Tyler looks at his schedule and notices he has science next period, he hopes that Ryan will be in his class. *in science* Tyler walks into science and to his surprise Ryan sat there at his assigned table. Tyler walks over to his table, Ryan thinks to himself "great now he's going to annoy the shit outta me" Ryan hated him but yet he had some type of feelings for him, Ryan tried denying the fact he got the butterflies for him but it was too hard, he wanted to hate him but couldn't, he always thought "why do I feel this way?" Suddenly Ryan hears someone calling his name faintly "what?" Ryan said startled "sorry I must've been zoning out" Ryan said.

Tyler sat down next to Ryan, his stomach fills with butterflies, he looks at Ryan and Ryan looks back at him, Tyler's moves his hand slowly moves onto Ryan's, Ryan looks down at his hand and snatches it away and he blushes but hides his face. To cover it up he asks Tyler "um why are you putting your hands on me" "uhhh sorry! I accidentally touched your hand." Tyler says trying to save himself. He felt so embarrassed. Tyler continued doing his work "why did I do that?" He thought to himself

*Ryan's POV*
"Why was he trying to hold my hand, I know he didn't do it on accident I'm not fucking stupid, but a part of me wanted to hold his hand, could I be developing feelings for him? No.. I'm not gay, unless I am, what if I am gay for him? I don't want to come out to my parents what if they don't support me?" Ryan thought to himself overthinking "why am I like this? I feel so in love but a part of me doesn't really like him he seems annoying" Ryan thought to himself even more.

*after school*

Tyler takes Ryan home with him and they hangout for awhile "I need to go home Tyler but I'll see you tomorrow we could hangout again this weekend" Ryan says "ok that's cool"  Tyler replies back

  Tyler calls Nathalia "Nathalia what should I do, I really like Ryan, and I don't know how to tell him I'm scared" he says "well I think you should just shoot your shot, maybe invite him over Friday night and just hangout for awhile then when you feel comfortable enough definitely tell him how you feel a little later in the night" Nathalia says " I didn't get to show him my room yet either because my nephew was sleeping in there" Tyler tells her "well then perfect! You can show him when he comes over" Nathalia says

  *skips to Friday after school*

  Tyler and Ryan ride the bus home to Tyler's house and they go inside and into Tyler's room.

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