At night

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Ryan looks deeply into Tyler's eyes, he pulls him into his warm arms and kisses him softly. Ryan and Tyler the two boys holding hands slowly drift off to sleep in each other's restful arms.


Tyler gets up to use the bathroom when he finds himself being in Ryan's arms, he slowly pushes Ryan off of him to use the bathroom, Ryan wakes up and realizes that Tyler wasn't in the bedroom. Ryan decides to get a cold cup of water and Tyler goes back to the room to see Ryan wasn't there, he lays back down stays there awake. Ryan entered the room again closing the door behind him. "Why are you up this late?" Ryan asks "oh I went to go use the bathroom" Tyler replies "why were you up" he asks "I woke up because I heard you leave the room so I went to go get some water" Ryan replies "I was wondering, would you like to go to the park tomorrow?" Tyler asks Ryan "sure I don't see why not" Ryan replies.

Ryan puts his arms behind Tyler and pulls him into his arms hugging him tightly, Tyler puts his arms around Ryan's shoulders as they drift off to sleep once again.

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