My Play

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(Spoilers for No Way Home, homecoming and Far from home.)
POV: Peter Parker
I walk past the old apartment, memories flooding my brain. I put on a play in my old house, In my cape, jumpin' on the old couch. I look up at the starry sky. It's dark. It's midnight. A newspaper hits my leg, and I pick it up. Mysterios face is on the front page. "I hate you Mysterio! I hate you." I screech. I put my ear buds in, Jay Jonah Jamesons voice flooding my brain. "Menace." I'm not the menace. Mysterio is. He did this. Tell me this is what you're saying, tell me that I'm not the menace they think I am. I swing over to Wades apartment, knowing that he's probably asleep. I promised I'd get him to remember me.. but I haven't yet. If you both outgrew one another
I could start now, lookin' for a lover
But if love dies, do I ##ckin' bother? "I really wanna show you my play.." I whisper at his window as he sleeps. I want to tap on his window, wake him up... but I can't...Guess everything is complicated. I walk away, going to my alley way.. the small tent up in the corner. I'm trying.. I'm trying my best. I lay down in my tent. "I'm sorry May, Ben, Mom, Dad... I'm sorry Tony, Mj, Ned, Wade... Wade."
This goes on for months... I go to Wades apartment, look in his window, leave and go to my tent. It's not the same.. I did everything... yet I still make mistakes.. Will you pretend you didn't know if I make a mistake?
It's gonna get really, really, really, really bad before it's okay. I swing by Wades apartment, and look in his window. Wade is asleep in his room. Do I wake him up?

POV: 3rd person
Wade moves.. he's awake. He stands up and walks to the bathroom. Peter watches as he walks back to the bed. Here's his moment..

POV: Peter
I slowly raise my gloved hand.. I'm shaking. I.. I can't.. I have to. I take my finger and tap the glass. Wade doesn't hear me. I tap again, praying that he hears me. He looks up over at the window and runs over. "What are you doing here, Spider-Man?" Wade asks.. he doesn't remember.. of course not. Dokng the only thing I can think of, I yank my mask off. "Peter?" He says, his eyes wide. Peter? Peter? "I.. Peter? You.. remember?" I whisper. "I didn't... not until I saw you...Peter! PETER!" Wade runs up to me, putting his arms around me. "What.. it's been months! What took you so long?" He screeches. "I.. I was scared. I thought you would never remember me.." I say, tears flowing like a waterfall. "You did everything that you could." Wade says. "Kiss me.. please.. I missed you so much!" I say, sobbing. Wade kisses Peter, tears in his eyes too. "Can.. can you help me tell Ned and Mj tomorrow?"

Peter and Wade knock on Mj's door, knowing that Neds there too. Mj opens the door. "Who are you?"   "Ned.. Mj." Peter says, scared. "How do you know my name?" Ned asks. "I just.. I want to.."  Peter stutters. Wade looks at him, nodding. "You what?" Mj growls almost. "I just really, really wanna show you my play."

You did everything, everything, everything that you could
We do everything, everything, everything 'til it's through.

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